Chapter 3: Still Not Bitten

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Your head was swimming as you try to open your eyes. You also could hear voices arguing, what they were saying you didn't know because it sounded really muffled and far away. Most of the voices you didn't recognized but you could vaguely hear Pete and Clem talking as you look up. You saw Pete and Clem standing next to each other talking with three people, two men and a very pregnant woman, you didn't recognized.

"For all we know these two could be working for Carver!" You heard the woman shout. "We don't know who that is! We were attacked by some scavengers then we got separated from our friend. I found her being attacked by a dog!" You heard Clem argue.

"And I'm just supposed to believe you?! Dog bite my ass." The woman said as you vision and hearing became clearer and you start to sit up. "I need a doc--" you started to say when the dark haired man's gun goes off and the bullet hits just a few inches from you.

You gasped and jumped as Clem turns to see you were okay. He kneels down to your side as Pete grabs the gun out of the dark haired man's hand. "Keep your finger off the trigger, boy!" He shouts as Luke runs out of the house. "Whoa! Whoa! What the fuck?!" He shouts, frantically.

"You idiot! Every lurker for five miles probably heard that!" The woman shouts at the man. "You're the one tellin' me to fuckin' shoot her!" The man shouts back at her. "Everybody just calm down for a second!" The second mysterious man, with glasses, said as he goes to the woman's side. 

"(Y/N), you okay?" Luke asked as he runs up to you while Clem helps you to your feet. "I just need a doctor....and then....and then we'll go. I don't want my arm to get infected." You replied. "None of us want to get infected. That's the point." The dark haired man said to you. You were able to get a better look at him and see he looked about the same age as Luke. 

"We got a doctor right here, okay. He'll have a look." Luke said as another man, with black hair and a mustache, walks out of the house. Luke turns to the others and said. "And what the hell is wrong with you people?! Okay, they're just scared!"

"We're all scared, Luke. Don't act like we're the one's being irrational cause we don't buy this bullshit story." The woman said as she gets into Luke's face. "No way they survived out here on their own! Why are we even arguing about this!?" The dark haired man said to him. 

"Let me take a look." The doctor said, in a Hispanic accent, as he walks up to you. You jump back, afraid, as the man stands before you and he reaches out to you. You look at his hand then up at him as Clem places a hand on your shoulder. "It's okay, (y/n). He's a doctor." He said to you, soothingly.

You look over at him and nod as you pull back your sleeve, revealing the bite. "Damn, that must've hurt." The glasses man mutters as the doctor kneels down and places his hands on your arm. You whinced at the pain as he looks it over. 

"Whatever it was, it got you good." He said. "This isn't how we do things, man. When you're bit, you get put down. End of story. I'm not going through this again." The dark haired man said to Luke. "No one's suggestin' that." Luke said to him.

"We could take her arm off." Pete suggested, which made you and Clem gasp in fear. "I know that worked for a cousin down in Ainsworth. We could try that." Pete said and you look around in fear at the group of people. 

"It won't do any good. You'll just be makin' it worse for the girl." said the woman. "It's crazy. No one's gonna volunteer to do that." The glasses man said. "I would. If it means to saving her life." Pete said, firmly. "Then what? How would we know it worked?" Luke asked him. "Just let Carlos have a look first!" The dark haired man said as he points to the doctor.

"I promise you it was just a dog bite. That's all it was. I saw it!" Clem pleads to the adults. "We'll know soon enough, young man." Carlos said to Clem and he continues to examine your arm. 

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