Chapter 11: Devising A Plan

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"Oh, hey. So, they want you to run some supplies out to the guys workin' at the expansion. Real simple. Just take this over to 'em." Bonnie said as she walks over to you and hands you the bucket. You take it but you don't look at her. What happened to Reggie was still replaying in your mind.

"That jacket looks real nice. I don't know what Tavia's talkin' about...." She said then she notices the look on your face. "What's wrong?" She asked with concern and worry. "(Y/N)? You all right? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Reggie's....Reggie's dead." You replied, shakily. "What? What're you talking about?" Bonnie asked in shock.

"Carver killed him. He pushed him off the roof." You replied.

"Maybe.....maybe it was just an accident." Bonnie said but you give her a sad look. Her eyes widen as she realized that it wasn't an accident and she looks around then kneels down in front of you. "Listen to me. Take this stuff out to those guys and come straight back. safe. Okay? Now ain't the time to be callin' attention to yourself." She said then she stands back up. "I need to go find out what happened." 

She goes to the emergency exit door and opens it. "Hey Troy! (Y/N)'s just gonna take them boys some nails." She shouts as you walk out the door. "All right." Troy shouts back. Bonnie looks at you and said. "Go on." Then she walks back inside.

You look around and looked behind you and saw Reggie's body just on the other side of the fence. You gasped in shock at this until Troy shouts. "Hey! That ain't your concern. Get that stuff over them boys. Just follow them cables." You turn back around, look down and see a yellow cable that leads you all the way down to the last door at the end on the left.

You follow the cable and noticed that part of the boarded fence was wobbling and you could see a Walker on the other side. But you could also hear more walkers on the other side as well. You sighed then made your way inside the building to see Kenny fighting Mike as he shoves him against the wall. "I ain't nobody's laborer. Fuck that! Let 'em do this shit themselves if it's so damn important!" Kenny yells. "Get your fuckin' hands off me." Mike yells as Kenny pins him to the wall.

"Guys, stop!" Clem said as he runs up to the two grown men but they don't listen. "You ain't gonna force me to do this bullshit." Kenny said as you drop the bucket of nails and run to them. "I said get your hands off me!" Mike yells. "Or what? You gonna tell on me?!" Kenny asked.

"Reggie's dead! Carver killed him!" You blurted out and that made them stop. "What?" Clem and Kenny asked in shock as they look over at you. "You sure? Well, did y--" Mike started to say when Kenny lets him go and the board on the window falls and walkers bust it down. "Shit!" Mike shouts as some walkers get in. 

"Grab something!" Kenny shouts as he grabs a hammer. You back away and grab a board and swing it at the walker closes to you. You back up to a wall and see a large shelf next to you. You look at the walker then to the shelf before you run behind the shelf and start to move across it as the walker comes after you 

You get to the end of the shelf and pushed it off of you and ran as the shelf falls backwards then back towards the wall and the sharp edges of the shelf stabs the walker in the head.

You start to run but stop as more walkers come your way. You start to walk backwards when Clem runs at one walker and used a sledgehammer on it. You look over and see a ladder and pushed that on one of the walkers. Clem kept hitting as many walkers as he could but you ran into a back office and fell as your foot got caught on some cables.

You try to detangle them when a walker makes it way to you and falls on top of you. You raise your arms up and do your best to push him off while it nashed its teeth at you, trying to bite you. Until Troy runs in and shoots an arrow at the walker.

The Walking Dead Season 2 (Male!Clementine x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now