Chapter 13: Escape

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Clem groans as he opens his eyes. "Ow....dang it." He mutters as he sits up. You were sitting next to him when you heard him. "Clem!" You said in whisper after he sits up. You hug him and he hugs you back then he looks over as he sees the others sitting around the firepit while Sarita cries.

You and Clem stand up and walk over to the others as Luke and Mike walk back. "What'd she say?" Rebecca asked Mike and Luke. "She said she can get us out of the pen if we can get the PA system going. Second she hears it, she'll run over and spring us." Mike replied. "That's great!" Rebecca said.

"It's not great." Luke said as he looks down at his feet. "What're you talking about?" Rebecca asked him, annoyed.
"Look, I know part of this is my fault, I--I know. I was hungry, I got reckless tryin' to steal some food and I got caught..." Luke replied. "We can't stay here!" Clem said to him.

"Exactly. We have no idea how long Alvin's got before Bill just kills him. We have to leave now." Rebecca said. "Look, I hear what you're saying, but it's risky." Luke told them. "It is pretty risky, guys." Nick agrees.

"Risky? Did you see what that sonuvabitch just did?" Mike as the two men, angrily. "Look, the plan works. Nothing needs to change. It's all set up. The hard part is done. This guy's fucking crazy. Who knows what he'll do next."

"Yeah, but now we're dealin' with a guy beat to shit, Sarita in no shape to do anything, and I'm a fuckin' mess. Look, we should rest up, okay? We should bide our time, and we should wait for an opening." Luke exclaimed, exhausted. "Bonnie's agreeing to help us tonight." Mike said. "And that doesn't mean she can't do it some other night." Luke argued. 

"I don't know, guys....Luke's makin' sense. Maybe we should wait." Nick said. "We're NOT waiting!" Rebecca said, firmly. "Ain't nothin' out there, guys. Trust me, I looked! There's no food, there's no supplies. They picked everything clean. I'm just sayin' we gotta be sensible about this." said Luke.  "We need to leave now. It's only gonna get worse." You said as you step forward. 

At that moment, Carlos walks over to the rest of the group and you and Clem look over and see Kenny's unconscious body laying on the cot near few feet away from you guys. "This is what I'm talking about! We're in no shape to go!" Luke said as he gestures towards a sobbing Sarita and an unconscious Kenny.

"Can we see him?" Clem asked Carlos, gesturing towards you and him.
"I...don't think that's a good idea." Carlos mutters as he glances over at Kenny. "His orbital is crushed....I don't think there's much hope for the eye....I got him stable as I could, cleaned it, got some of the swelling down, bandaged it as best I could...but until he wakes up...we don't know if there's any damage to the brain." He said and Sarita cries harder. "Fuck." Mike mutters in despair as the news sinks in.

"Okay, look... maybe I'm just playin' devil's advocate here, but if....dammit, if y'all are serious about goin' tonight, then we're gonna have to start talkin' about maybe... leavin' some folks behind." Luke said to the group as Sarita looks up at him in shock. "No!" She screams. "There is no other way." Luke said to her. "This is bullshit!" Rebecca exclaims in anger.

"Well, I don't like it either, but guess what? It's where we're at." Luke said. "Kenny and I are only here because of you people....and now you intend to leave us behind." Sarita said to Luke in anger.

"No! We're not leaving Kenny!" Clem said, firmly.

"Yeah, that's not fair! We stay together!" You said.

"Life ain't fair, kids. We're just tryin' to make the best of a bad situation, here. No one wants to leave Kenny." Luke said, softly, to you two.

"Good, won't have to." A voice said. All of you look over and see that Kenny, with a cloth eyepatch over his left eye, was alive as he walks over to you. You and Clem smile as Sarita stands up and hugs him. "I'm all right, hon." He assures her as she backs away from the hug.

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