Chapter 18: Standoff

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It was late at night when you heard the baby started making noises. You slowly get up and see Rebecca holding her son in her hands. She looks over and sees that you're awake. "Hey, (y/n)." She greets. "Hey. How's he doing?" You asked her, gesturing towards the baby. "He's perfect." Rebecca replied as she looks down at her son while you stand up and walk over to her. 
"Who's a perfect little man? Who's the most perfect little man in the whole world?" Rebecca cooed at her son. "You are! That's right. You are."

"What're we gonna do now? We can't stay here, can we?" You asked her. "I've gotta rest." Rebecca replied. "It's getting colder." You told her. "(Y/N), I can't think about that right now. We'll think of something, just not this second." Rebecca said then she begins to cough. You jump at this and give her a worried look but she shakes her head. "I'm fine, I'm fine....I just wish I could get warm...." she said and at that moment Mike gets up.

"(Y/N)....why don't you give her that coat we found?" He said and you go and get the coat and give it to her.
"Sorry, y'know, about the color." Mike said to Rebecca as he starts to lay down again. "You really think I care about that?" She asked him, annoyed. Then she turns to you and asked. "Do you....wanna hold him?" And she holds out her son to you. "I don't know how." You said. "It's easy. Just keep him close and support his head." She said and she hands you her baby and you do as she instructed you.

You smile down at the baby as he begins to get fussy. "Shhh, shhhhh. There you go." You said to him, comfortingly, and he calms down.
"You're a natural." Rebecca said as you heard footsteps and see that Clem was awake. "You wanna hold him too, Clem?" Rebecca asked him. "Uh, sure." Clem said and you go over to him and hand him the baby. "Hold his head." You whispered to him and Clem holds the baby then he smiles.

"Look at you two. Like a big brother and sister." Kenny said as he walks over to the three of you just as Rebecca begins to cough. "Here, let me take him. You three need to rest." Kenny said as Clem hands him the baby. "Especially you." Kenny said as he looks down at Rebecca. 

"When's the last time you slept, Kenny?" Rebecca asked him. "About two years ago. I'm fine." Kenny replied then he looks down at the baby and said. "Plus somebody's gotta watch you while Mama gets her beauty sleep." Then he sniffs the baby and said. "You never forget that smell." And Rebecca smirks then closed her eyes to sleep. 

Kenny walks away as you and Clem go outside then saw Jane looking through the closed shutter next to the room all of you resided. You raise an eyebrow at her when she turns to see you two standing there. "Aw, shit." She mutters. "What are you doing?" You asked her. 

"Listen....I'm sorry. I've gotta go." She said as she opens the shutter. "I understand." Clem replied as you nod.
"Good. I was worried this was gonna turn into a thing. You know....Jaime....Sarah....I'm not gonna stick around and....and watch it happen to you kids, too." Jane said as she turns away from you and Clem.

"But....I thought you believed in us?" You asked her. "I do. But give it enough time, and everyone's luck runs out." She said and she heads towards the stairs but stops.
"Listen....when shit hits the fan, 'cause it always does, remember that you two can make it on your own. It's not an option for everyone....If things start heading south, don't let them drag you down with them. You kids don't own them anything. They'll make you feel like you do. Like it's all one happy family. But when push comes to'll see." She said. 

"Can....can we go with you?" Clem asked her. "No. You can't. That's not how this works." Jane replied then she turns around to face you two and said. "You kids take care of yourselves and each other. I mean that." She said then she digs in her pocket and pulls out the nail file. "Here." She said and you take it. "Thanks...." you mutter. "...yeah." Jane replied, awkwardly. "I, um....I gotta go." And she walks down the stairs and leaves while you and Clem sit down and watch her leave.

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