Chapter 23: Kenny Or Jane?

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You slowly open your eyes and see that you were in the backseat of the truck. Kenny was driving while Jane was sitting in the passenger seat, holding AJ. You move your head and saw that you used Clem's legs as your pillow. "She's awake!" Clem's voice said as you slowly sit up.

At that moment, your shoulder felt really sore and you place your right hand over the wound on your left shoulder. "Hey you." Jane said as she looks at you over her shoulder. "(Y/N)! Oh, thank God." Kenny said as Clem place his left arm around your torso and, gently, hugs you. "You passed out from the shock." Clem informed you. "Am I gonna be okay?" You asked them. "You should be. How do you feel?" Jane asked. 

You look over at your shoulder and said. "It hurts." Clem frowns at you as Jane said. "Couldn't find the bullet. Must've gone clean through. It'll burn a while, but you'll be fine." 

"Those sons of bitches. I mean, I expected it from the Russian, but Mike? I could tell they were workin' on somethin'." Kenny grumbles in anger. "I didn't think they'd go that far." Jane mutters. "Yeah, well who would steal our food and shoot a kid? We never should've thrown in with trash like that in the first place." Kenny said. "Is Bonnie okay?" You asked them. "They took off on foot." Clem replied to you. "Didn't get this puppy, thanks to you." Kenny said as he gestures around the truck.

"Now that (y/n)'s awake we should talk about where we're going." Jane said to Kenny. "We're headed north." Kenny replied, flatly. "What, to find Wellington?" Jane asked, annoyed.
"You sure talk a lotta shit, but you got a better plan?" Kenny asked her.
"We head south, back to Howe's." Jane replied.

"Carver's camp? The fuck kind of plan is that?" Kenny exclaims, angrily. "I think Bonnie said there was more formula back there. And we actually know where it is." said Jane. "And it was overrun by a damn herd." Kenny reminded her. "The walkers should be gone by now." Jane argued. 

"Wellington's out there. We have to keep looking, Jane." Clem said and Jane turns to look at him in shock.
"Clem, you can't be falling for this." She said. "I agree with him." You said and Jane looks at you in shock as well. "They made up their minds, Jane." Kenny replied.

"Kids, please. This is suicide." Jane pleads.

"Why don't you let them think for themselves for once?" Kenny asked, angrily. 

"Why don't you?"


"Look, even if there is someplace up here, it could take us weeks to find it. We could get back to Howe's in a day." Jane said. "Tell you what, we can turn around just as soon as you pry this wheel from my cold, dead fingers. How's that sound?" Kenny asked her. "Whatever. I give up." Jane grumbles then she places her foot up on the dash.

"Get your feet off the dash." Kenny scolds as he pushes her foot off the dash. "Let's play a game, kids. I spy with my little eye, an asshole." Jane said as she gives a knowing look towards Kenny. "Your turn, Clem." She said with a smile. "Grow up." Kenny growled.

"Go to hell." Jane snapped.

"I'll pull this fuckin' car over."

"Go ahead."

"You wanna die out here?"

"Better than waitin' to die next to you."

"Don't touch her, Kenny." You said. "I couldn't see the damn road!" Kenny replied. "Bet you're having trouble seeing a lot of things these days." Jane sneered and yours and Clem's eyes widen at this. "You shut your fuckin' mouth." growled Kenny. "I am done playin' games with you, Jane."

"Fuck you. You don't know a damn thing about me." Jane said. "Oh, I know exactly what you are. Nothin'. Nobody cares about you, and you don't care about nobody but yourself. That makes you nothin'." said Kenny.
"What is it with you? It's your family, right?" Jane asked. 

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