Chapter 20: Luke's Birthday

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"Is that it?" Kenny asked Arvo as you and the group approach this really small electrical plant that had a fence around it. "Hey, I'm talkin' to you!" Kenny shouts at Arvo. "What? It? It what?" Arvo asked him. "What do you mean what? The place you're fuckin' taking us!" Kenny shouts at him. "He doesn't speak much english." Jane told Kenny. "Yeah, no shit!" Kenny shouts at her before he turns to Arvo. "Is that it? I thought you said it was a house." 

"Arvo, that's not what you're taking us to, right? How much further is the house you were talking about?" You asked the teen, calmly, as you point at the small plant. "Answer her, dammit!" Kenny shouts at Arvo, aiming his gun at him. "Is till more walk. Some more hours." Arvo replied, finally. "Ah dammit!" Kenny exclaims, annoyed. "I knew this would happen. This guy fucked us." Kenny exclaimed as Mike sets Luke down on a large log. "Thank you." Luke said to him. "Don't mention it." Mike replied to him. 

"It's gettin' dark. Maybe we should stop for the night." Bonnie suggested.

"This is bullshit." Kenny shouts.

"Relax." Jane replied to him, calmly.

"Don't tell me to relax." Kenny growls at her. "He's lying. He's been lying this whole time."

"You don't fucking know that!" Mike shouts at Kenny. "I know we've been walking all day and we're still fuckin' nowhere." Kenny remarked. "I think we should spend the night here....if it's safe." Clem said. "That's a big if." Kenny said. "Well, there's a fence, which would help walkers." You said, trying to calm Kenny down. You didn't really like Arvo that much either but a part of you didn't like how Kenny was treating him. "Maybe...." Kenny mutters.

"Can we just try and have a calm, quiet night? Please...." Clem asked everyone. "That sounds nice." Bonnie said as she looks over at the others.
"Yeah....yeah it does." Luke said just as AJ starts to cry. "Oh, shit, sorry about's all right buddy. It's all right." Kenny cooed at AJ. Earlier, Clem told you that him and Kenny decided to call the baby Alvin Junior, or AJ for short.

"If we're staying, we should scout this place out." Jane suggests and Kenny nods. "All right, y'all wait here. I'll go make sure this ain't some walker nest we're lockin' ourselves into." He said.
"I'll go with you." Jane offers and Kenny stares at her then he turns to you and starts to hand AJ to you. "See if....see if you can calm him down a bit." He said and he and Jane leave.
You look around at the others as Mike said. "No. That's all you." You back at AJ as he begins to cry. "'s okay. It's okay...." you said to AJ, soothingly, and he calms down. You smiled and looked over at Clem, who smiles and gives you a thumbs up. "You're a natural." Mike compliments as Clem stands next to you and looks down at AJ, who stares at Clem and begins to smile at him. 

"I think he likes you two." Bonnie said. "Calmed right down for ya. That's a good sign." 

"He's cute." You said and Bonnie chuckles. "Yeah, he is, isn't he? Most babies are pretty ugly this soon after bein' born." She said. "That's true. They usually look like weird little aliens." Mike remarks and Clem giggles at this. "Here.....I got him." Bonnie said as she talked AJ away from you and Kenny and Jane come back. "Come on over. It's safe." Kenny said and all of you follow them.

That night, you and the group were sitting around the fire, enjoying the peace. You look around at everyone, who seemed to be happy, but you look over and see that Arvo was tied up to a post some feet away from you. You frowned at this as Luke says. "Today's my birthday...Near and I can tell at least. Definitely this week..." 

"Happy Birthday, Luke." You said to him. "Happy Birthday!" Clem said as well. "Yeah, man. Happy birthday." said Mike. "Thanks." Luke said. "So, that makes you, what? Twenty-seven?" Bonnie asked him. "That's....that's right. I'm surprised you remembered." Luke said to her in shock. "Sure as hell feel a lot older."

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