Chapter 10: You Mean Our First Night In Prison?

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Clem was in a deep sleep when he felt something kick him. He opens his eyes and sees that it was Troy. "Get up. Bill's gonna have a word." Troy said and Clem gets up and goes over to you and shakes your shoulder.

You grumble when the door opens.
"(Y/N) get up." Clem whispers as Bill starts walking in. 

Clem helps you up to your feet and the two of you go over to the group as Carver starts to speak. "There's been increased Walker activity along the fence so be mindful when outside the walls. The herd's moved a little closer as of this morning, but that still doesn't necessarily mean we'll be hit." He said as you and Clem stand next to Sarah. "Know we're monitoring the situation. Now.... there are some folks might be sore about what how things went. Well, that's all in the past now."

You and Clem give worried and scared glances at each other as Carver says. "Some of you are new to our community. Some of you are members who went astray. But know that you can find redemption proving your worth through what will undoubtedly be hard work." Then he looks at Reggie and said. "Reggie, you're nearly back in. Keep following the path, and we'll welcome you back with open arms."

Reggie smiles as Sarah turns to you and Clem and asked in a whisper. "How'd you sleep? I was so tired."

"Shut. Up." You whispered back to her.
"Well, you don't have to be rude about it." Sarah grumbles at you and you just roll your eyes. "I just thought it was nice to finally--"

"Carlos!" Carver growls in anger and everyone jumps. "Yes?" Carlos asked.
"Your child seems to be in need of correction." Carver informed him.
"I'm sorry, I--Sarah, a--apologize to Mr Carver." Carlos said to Sarah, who had a frightened look in her face. 
She looks down and stammers. "S--I'm...sorry, sir."

"No, no. That ain't gonna cut it. I can't have this kind of behavior on day one of your reform. You discipline her now, Carlos." Carver said as he points at Carlos.

"How do you propose that I--"

"One good smack across the mouth should do it. It'll make her think twice before opening it up again. Go on, we'll wait." Carver said as he folds his arms across his chest while everyone looks at him in shock then over at Carlos. "My...I'm not sure with my hand that I could--" Carlos started to say as he holds up his injured hand.

"Well, that's why you got two hands, Carlos. Come on. And not some namby pamby thing, all right? A good hard smack. Otherwise, Troy here will do it for ya. I don't think you want that. He can be....overzealous. Is that the word?" Carver said as he looks over at Troy. "If it means I'll slap the shit out of her, then yeah." Troy said with a smile on his face.

You really wanted to say something but you were afraid, you look over at Clem and he slightly shakes his head at you. You bite your lips as the two men exchange looks. Carlos lowers his head in defeat then turns to face Sarah. 

Oh my God! He's actually gonna do it! You thought as Sarah looks up at her father in fear. "I'm sorry, Dad. I'm sorry." Sarah cries while Clem grabbed your arms and guided you to walk backwards a few feet away from them. "Close your eyes honey. It's only going to sting for a second." Carlos warns her. Sarah braces herself as Carlos gives her a pity look. 

"Do it." Carver ordered.

And with that, Carlos raised his hand and slapped Sarah across the face so hard, she fell to the ground. You gasped and held onto Clem's arm while Sarah cries and places her hand on her already red cheek. "I'm sorry, Sarah." Carlos said as he goes to comfort her but Carver stops him. 

"Stop! You're not coddling that girl anymore. Let her sit there and think about what she's done." Carver shouts then he turns to Troy and said. "Troy, get Carlos to his post." Troy nods as he goes over to Carlos. Carver looks over to the rest and said. "Everyone else should have their assignments. It's time to get to work."

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