Chapter 14: Amid The Ruins

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"" Sarita stammers before she screams and starts to get devoured by walkers. "No!" You screamed as you run over to Clem, who couldn't move as he was in shock. "Sarita?" Kenny calls out and looks over to see what is happening to her. "NO! SARITA!!" Kenny screams and he runs to her aide and stabs the walkers head and shoved them off of her.

"No! You can't die! I won't let you die!" Kenny shouts as Sarita's body falls to the ground and you, Clem, Mike and Kenny surround her body. "We have to move! There's too many...." Mike informs as he swings his mallet to an upcoming walker while Sarita gasps her last breath. 

"Come on, babe." Kenny pleads to her. "KENNY!" Mike shouts as he hits another Walker. Another comes up on him but you raise your knife and stab it in the head. "She's dead, man. She's gone." Mike said to Kenny. "Leave us ALONE!" Kenny shouts at him. 

"She was bit! I had to do it!" Clem said to Kenny. "How fucking dare you, Clement!!" Kenny screams at the boy. Kenny looks down at Sarita and said. "It isn't gonna go like this."

"Kenny!" Mike shouts again as you and him take out a few walkers. "I won't be left alone again." Kenny said, tearfully, as he stares at Sarita. "We're gonna leave. We're gonna get out of this."

"Kenny!" You screamed as you stabbed another walker. "I don't care what these fuckers are saying, you're gonna be fine." Kenny mutters. "We can't make it without you! You have to let her go!" Clem said to Kenny. Kenny looks up at him then closed his eyes in sadness and looks back down at Sarita. "I'm sorry. I love you." He whispers to her as he caresses her cheek. 

"Kenny! Dammit, man. Come on!" Mike growls as Kenny stands up and slices at another Walker with his hatchet. "You had no right Clement! No fucking right!" Kenny shouts at Clem, angrily, as he glares at the young boy before he runs off.

You and Clem take off as well and took out as many walkers as you could. "I'm going after Sarah!" You hear Luke shout and you see him run past you two. "Luke!" You shout but he was already long gone. 

You sighed as you two begin to dodge a couple of walkers until one comes up on you guys. Clem raises his hatchet and stabs the walker in the head, which topples on top of him.
You gasped then go over to him and help get the walker off of him. You two kneel in front of the Walker as you take your knife, cut it open and both of you start to smear new walker guts over you two. Both of you stand up and start to walk very slowly until you felt someone grab you. 

You let out a gasp as Clem comes over to you only to see that it was Rebecca. "Stop!" She said to you as you start to struggle. You stop and turn to face her as she lets you go. "Thank God." She said with relief. The three of you kneel down as Clem said. "We can't find anybody."

"I know. What do we do?" Rebecca asked in a panic. "We're still covered in walker guts...." you told her and she nods at you. She looks over her shoulder and said. "Look. The walkers are still moving toward the hardware store. We can make it out if we stick together..." she shakes her head then looks at you and Clem. "I'm glad you two are here."

"It's gonna be okay. We're gonna make it." Clem reassured her.
"Okay...." Rebecca said. "We need a clear path to the trees...maybe they're thinning out somewhere. Do you guys see any openings?" She asked as you and Clem turn around and look out at the herd.

A group of walkers walk by until a large opening appears. "There!" Clem said and the three of you start to make your way but then more walkers came through. "Dammit! Go back, go back!" Rebecca whispered and the three of you start to slink back until you bumped into someone.
You look up to see that it was Jane. "Jane!" You whispered. "Jane! Thank God!" Rebecca said. "Stop. Relax." Jane orders you three calmly. "You need to walk... slowly. You'll be fine." 

The Walking Dead Season 2 (Male!Clementine x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now