Chapter 15: Survival Tips

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"Look, I'm gonna level with you two." Jane said after a long walk of silence in the woods. "You kids should know that finding your friends....that's a shot in the dark." She said as she looks down at you two. "It...didn't look good. You're probably right." You replied to her. "Yeah. So....I wanted to talk to both of you, away from them." said Jane. Both you and Clem look up at her, giving her your full attention.

"You two wouldn't have made it this far if you kids weren't smart, but I still....I just gotta warn you." She said then she stops, making you and Clem stop as well. "That group is cracking. I've seen it before. And, well....a lotta times, it's better to be on your own." She said then she begins to walk again. "I know you kids see what I'm talking about. You don't want to be here when they start....turning on each other. Turning on both of you."

"They're not bad people....But....there have been problems, before." Clem told her. "We don't always agree with what they say....or do..." You said.
"Neither do I." Jane said, flatly. "Look at Kenny....I don't even know where to begin with what a liability he is....and Rebecca's situation is not making things better back there. You get enough broken people together....and all you're gonna get are broken decisions."

"Have you just kept to yourself this whole time?" You asked Jane, curiously. "Of course not....but sometimes ya gotta learn the hard way. I'm trying to save you two that trouble." Jane replied. "For what it's worth, I like most of the people in your crew....but, groups fall apart. People get killed."

"Then why did you bring us with you?" Clem asked her as the three of you come up on an abandoned car. Jane looks through it as she says. "I'm just trying to give you two the tools you need to make it. Like your looks warm, but...a Walker will bite right through that. My sister Jaime had a good leather one.....wish I still had it..." then she stops at this, turns away and starts walking over to the other side of the car and looks through it from that side.

"I always wanted a sister." You said. "I used to make my babysitter play a game that we were secret sisters. It was....stupid kid stuff." You look down, feeling pretty stupid. "I used to ask my parents for a brother or a sister. They told me that they would talk it over and decide. But...that was a few days before...." Clem said but stops as he thinks about that day they left for Savannah. Who woulda thought that that would be the last time he saw them, alive.

"You know, being an older sibling is....well, it's funny. It's really easy to be mean." Jane said as she starts walking, you and Clem follow her.
"Oh?" You and Clem asked with intrigue. "You know, hide her toys. Make fun of her bad haircut. Give her the bad haircut. On purpose. I mean, I did put the gum there. I figured I should get it out." She replied. "Why would you even do that?" Clem asked her. "What could I do? She thought I was her best friend. That couldn't go...unpunished." Jane replied as she chuckled.

"Every summer we'd go to this amusement park in Virginia. But the best part wasn't the was that nobody knew us there and I'd....I'd pretend we weren't sisters. Just....friends." Jane said then she coughs and looks ahead of herself and smiles. "All right! Jackpot!" She exclaims and takes off towards the entrance of a trailer park where there was a couple of dead bodies at the front gate.

"Bet these walkers got some good stuff." Jane said as she walk walks up to one of them and stabs it in the head with her screwdriver. "That one's not coming back." She said. "Yeah, we should check them out." You said. "But you know why, right?" Jane asked. "Only because they're fresh." 

Then she walks over to the other body. "Take a look. Old walkers are a waste of time. They're holding credit cards and busted old pagers. But these ones weren't walkers all that long ago. They were survivors. They might have useful stuff." She said as she stabs the second body in the head. "See what else he's got." She ordered. "I'll check this one."

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