Chapter 7: An Old Friend

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It was nighttime by the time you guys make it to the ski resort. Carlos and Nick lurk the corner of the building as Rebecca walks up to them. "Well? What are we waiting for?" She asked them. "We have to be careful." Carlos said. "Careful? We've been on the road for five days. My back is done bein' carful." Rebecca said as she catches her breath. 

Alvin walks up to a window and said. "Doesn't look like anybody's home." Then he gets up to another window to see it was boarded up. He tries to pry it open bit couldn't. "Damn. Nailed down tight." He mutters as you and the others get onto the porch. "I'll check round front." Alvin said and he walks off. "I'll go with you." Carlos said as he follows him. 

You and Clem lean against the railings and look out towards the view as Luke said. "Well, it'd be good to know if anybody's actually back there." Then he looks at one of the ski lift poles and said. "Could probably get a better view from up top. One of you would have an easier time gettin' up there. Either of you fell like takin' a look?" 

"I'll do it." You volunteered. "You sure?" Clem asked you. "Yeah, I can handle it. I'm smaller than you so I could get up there alittle faster." You said, smiling. So you, Clem and Luke head over to the post and you look up and see how tall it was. "Just take it slow, and I'll catch you if you fall. Probably." Luke said and you give him a questioning look.

You shake your head and grab onto the ladder and began to climb it.
"When I was a kid we used to jump rooftops downtown. Now that was fun." Luke said. "That sounds stupid." You remarked and Luke laughs.
"Yeah, yeah, it was. The trick was to not look down, though." He said and you foot slips. You let out a yelp but held onto the ladder while Luke scrambled over to the ladder holding his arms out. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're fine. Just look at me, okay? You're fine." He reassures. "I know I'm fine!" You yelled, fear creeping in your voice.

"Just tryin' to help." Luke said as you make it to the top. You hear thunder rumbling in the distance as you shouted. "Made it." And you pull out binoculars. "See anything?" Luke asked and you look around the place and see the bridge. 

But not only that, you saw a light on the bridge. "I see a light on the bridge!" You shout at him just as you see another light appear next to the first light. "Wait, there's another. Luke!" You shout but you turn and see he ran to the porch of the resort with the others. "I'm right here, (y/n)!" Clem calls out and you start to climb down.

You could hear them talking to some new people that had them at gunpoint. You get down to the ground and you and Clem approach the group as they argue with the new people.

"Listen everyone just stay calm!" Luke said.

"Who are you?! Are you trying to rob us?" A Hispanic woman asked.

"Excuse me, honey, but do I look like a fucking thief?" Rebecca asked, angrily. 

"Everyone calm down." An unfamiliar man's voice said as you and Clem walk through the group to see who were the new people. "Hey man, you calm the fuck down!" Alvin shouts.
"Sarah get behind me." Carlos said to his daughter.

"Just tell us who you are." The unfamiliar man demanded. "We ain't here to rob nobody. Put the gun down, man." Alvin said. "Fuck that!" A voice said. That sounded familiar! You thought as Luke said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Please, just do what he says." The woman pleads as you and Clem were able to get a clear view of the people.
Yours and Clem's jaw dropped as you see a familiar face, holding a rifle. He may have a beard now since the last time you saw him, but you still could recognize that face. He sees you two and he's eyes widen in surprise and shock as he lowers his gun and stares at the two of you.

"Kenny?!" You and Clem said as you two walk in front of the group.

"Wait, you two know this guy?" Luke asked.

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