Chapter 22: What's The Plan?

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You groan as you start to come consciousness and realized that your head was resting on Clem's chest, his left arm around you. You gasp at this and immediately you wanted to move away. But a part of you didn't want to move....something inside of you didn't want to wake him up, Clem looked so peaceful when he was asleep.

"You two look cute." You hear a voice say. You look up and see that Jane was sitting nearby you. She smiles at you as you glare at her. You look around the room and see Mike was talking to Arvo and Bonnie and Kenny were not around.

"Kenny's out back, trying to get some stupid truck started." She said as you slowly move out of Clem's arms.
Luckily, you were able to get out of Clem's arm without waking him and you go sit by Jane, who was holding a can of chili. "Here. You should eat something." She said as she hands you the can. You look at her then over at Clem. "Don't worry...there's an extra can here for him when he wakes up." She replied and you nod as you start to eat the chili.

"I can't believe he's gone. I've lost people before, but....It just hasn't felt this....this shitty in a while." Jane said, sadly. "He cared about you, too, Jane. I know he did." You said to her and she gives you a sad look. "Dammit." She mutters as she places her hand over her face. 

"I shouldn't have come back. I knew this would happen. I knew it." She revealed. "Well, I'm glad you did. And if Clem was awake, I'm sure he would agree." You told her and she smiles at you. Mike talks with Arvo then stands up and walks away. "I can't take this shit anymore." You hear him mutter and you frown.

"Feelin' better?" Kenny asked you as he walks in. You nodded as he looks and sees Clem is still asleep. "Hell of a day." He mutters. "But we gotta get movin'. If you're feelin' up to it, I could use a hand out back with this truck."

"Just....give me a minute." You replied and he frowns at this. "I'll wait for ya out back." He said and Clem starts to groan and wake up. Kenny walks out when Clem starts to open his eyes and sits up. "Hey there, Sleeping Beauty." Jane joked and Clem rubs his eyes. "Hey." Clem grumbles. Jane grabs the other can and hands it to Clem. "Here you go. You need to eat." She said and Clem takes the can and begins to eat.

You look next to you as you see AJ was bundled up and inside a box, acting like his crib. "I'll watch him. And I'll send Clem out there when he's finished eating." Jane said as Clem raises an eyebrow. You go over to the fireplace and grabbed your jacket and put it on. "(Y/N). careful." Jane warns you and you nod at her then head outside to the back.

"What'd she have to say?" Kenny asked you, annoyed, as you two walk to the red truck. "You shouldn't have done that to Arvo." You scolded him.
"I know. I know, (y/n). But Luke..." Kenny starts to say but you talk over him. "I don't care. You can't do that." You said, firmly. "Jeez, (y/n), you know me. You know I'm not like that." Kenny defended. "You scared me. You scared Clem. You scared all of us, Kenny." You said to him. "It won't happen again. That's a promise." Kenny said as you guys make it to the front of the car.

Kenny stops and turns when you guys heard footsteps and out came Clem. "What's over. But AJ needs us now. We gotta stick together in this thing, all right?" Kenny said and you frown at this but gave a slight nod. "Come on, let's see if the truck's gonna go." He said and Clem comes up next to you.

"You feelin' better?" Kenny asked him. Clem nods. "Atta boy." He said and he hands you the keys to the truck then opens the hood. You go over to the driver's side of the truck and open the door.

"My daddy always had a half dozen wrecks he was fixin' up. He was a mean son of a bitch. But he taught me respect. Girl like Jane could learn a thing or two about that." Kenny said as you go and sit in the driver's seat. "I like her. Just give her some time." Clem said to Kenny. "Me too." You replied and Kenny looks over at you two.

The Walking Dead Season 2 (Male!Clementine x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now