One | Another Beginning

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The morning rays of sunlight woke me from my comfortable slumber. With a groan, I lazily opened my eyes, revealing their dull evergreen color. Sitting up from my bed, I rubbed my eyes as a yawn left my lips. I was definitely not a morning person, so imagine my displeasure being woken up from the sunlight. Even though I had set up blinds and curtains, the sun still managed to bring light into my room.

Deciding that there would be no chances of falling back asleep, I tossed my lavender-colored comforters and swung my legs over the edge of my bed. As I was making my way over toward my closet, I tripped over something. I let out a startled yelp and investigated what got in my way, only to harden my gaze at a box labeled "books and stuff" with my name spelled right at the bottom.

It's been a whole week since our move from Sinnoh, yet I haven't even bothered putting my stuff away. How could I? I didn't even want to move here in the first place. The only reason Mom bothered was because I was able to land an internship with Professor Sycamore, the Pokémon professor of the Kalos region. I suppose I have Professor Rowan to thank for that.

Shaking my head, I tore my gaze away from the box and resumed toward my half-filled closet. I have no doubts that Mom took it upon herself to unpack my clothes. After picking out my outfit and the footwear that went with it, I placed them down on top of my bed before going to the bathroom to tend to my hygiene business. Once I was finished, I left the restroom while brushing my long dark brown locks. I stopped when my eyes fell upon a familiar but annoying robin Pokémon perched on my windowsill. A tiny scowl made its way onto my lips when he turned his little head to look at me.

"Why are you in my room?" I muttered bitterly at the Fletchling.

The tiny robin tilted his head and chirped before flying out of my room, though he purposely zoomed a few centimeters past my head. Despite this being my room, that Fletchling sure does love being in here more than I do. Ugh, why did Mom ever let that thing stay here? Shrugging away the complaint, I placed my hairbrush down on the nightstand and walked toward my bed where my outfit was laid out.

Today's outfit consisted of a white tank top, dark blue jeans with a few fashionable tears along the legs, and a black plaid shirt with the buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up. After I got dressed, I put on my brown combat boots before leaving my room and going downstairs to the kitchen. Immediately, the strong scent of pancakes hit me, making my mouth involuntarily water. When I reached the kitchen, I found Mom standing in front of the stove flipping a perfectly round pancake.

"Morning," I greeted as I made my way over to the table, though the unopened boxes were in my way.

"Good morning, Emi," she replied, placing that perfectly flipped pancake onto a plate. "So, how was it?"

"How was what?" I asked cautiously, getting a feeling she was talking about the move.

"Your first week here, duh!" she happily beamed, setting down a plate of pancakes in front of me.

I knew it.

How was I supposed to answer that without breaking her heart? She already had enough of that back in Sinnoh and the last thing I wanted to do was make her sad. Plus, it wasn't cheap to move from one region to another.

My long silence must've caught her attention. The moment I looked up, I found her looking at me with those concerned eyes. Whether it was the concern for my disliking of moving or something else, I couldn't tell.

"You don't like it, do you..." she spoke in that soft voice, the one that was dripping with worry. There was nothing I could hide from her; she read me like an opened book. Mom walked toward me and placed a hand on my shoulder, not once breaking the eye contact.

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