Twenty Two | Drift Away

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My eyes slowly opened up, revealing the bright morning sky. I used my arm to shield my eyes from the luminosity so they wouldn't squint. The soft yet prickly sensation I felt underneath my body was from the grass. Small wild Pokémon wondered about while their more evolved relatives watched from a distance. Turning my head a little, I caught sight of a few white lilies growing. Something about this place made it seem so ominously heavenly.

I sat up and rubbed the drowsiness from my eyes that desperately tried to put me back to sleep. Upon noticing my movement, the smaller Pokémon ran away. Doing so made me frown and left me wondering why they ran away when they saw me. Was I scary to them? I didn't know.

A sad sigh left my lips as I stood up. I walked alongside the beautiful field, taking in the natural beauty it had to offer. However, I felt no peace when Pokémon kept running from me as soon as I got closer to them. I didn't get it. I loved Pokémon with all my heart, so why were they running from me?

My eyes fell upon the silhouette of a man standing near the riverbank. Beside him was a smaller silhouette, quite possibly a child, that was in a crouching position. Curious, I approached them from behind. The moment I noticed the messy brown locks on his head, something in me told me to freeze.

"I can't do that..." the boy mumbled sadly. He continued to trail his finger on the water's surface and creating ripples with every movement.

I released a shaky breath when his familiar voice rang through my ears. The young boy looked over to his right, allowing me to see a profile of the face I grew to miss so damn much. This had to be a dream! His amber eyes swirled with sadness as they looked at the man.

"Wouldn't you like to make this world beautiful again, Adam?" a deep voice questioned.

Fury ripped through my veins when the man stepped out of the shadows and revealed himself. His brown hair Adam and I inherited was combed back nearly. He carried himself in a calm yet stern manner. The man's amber eyes held troubled and yearning thoughts that it made me even angrier. I couldn't help but ball my hands into fists the longer I looked at him.

That man was someone I used to call my dad.

"I want to help you, but..." Adam moved his gaze toward the river in front of him. "I can't just leave Mom and Sissy alone."

"They can take care of themselves, I promise." The man sat next to my little brother.

"You know Sissy won't let me go with you and Uncle for that long." Adam frowned as he looked at his dad. "She's very protective of me."

"We can't do this without you, bud." The man put his hand on my little brother's head, ruffling his hair as an attempt of affection. "You need to decide on something by tomorrow. You've had a month to think about this."


He stood up and turned around before walking away, leaving Adam by himself to think. My eyes met his ambitious amber irises for a brief moment, but he simply passed through me as if I was a mere ghost. The fact that it happened left me speechless.

I didn't understand what was going on. What was that man trying to convince Adam to do? How long had that been going on?

A sudden thought occurred to me. I did know, but I just refused to accept that it happened.

Besides, this wasn't the first time I'd seen it.

"What's the point of showing me this again?" I growled under my breath to hide the hurt I felt. My fringes shadowed over my eyes so she couldn't see it.

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