Twenty Four | Icy Troubles

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This morning was one of the worst mornings I had ever woken up to. Some of my hair stuck to my face thanks to the cold sweat. My breathing was uneven as I gripped the blanket that had fallen on my lap. I felt like absolute shit and my whole body felt exhausted in some way. Jeez, talking to Xerneas really took a toll on me.

When I managed to calm myself down, I brought my hand up and wiped away some of the sweat from my sickly warm skin. My hand passed by my eyes where I felt a stray tear roll down my face. Had I been crying in my sleep without realizing it?

Xerneas had placed this unbelievable pressure on me; she made me the savior that would save the world from impending danger. As noble as it sounded, I had no clue what the hell this impending danger was. I only vaguely recalled her mentioning something about an Ultimate weapon, but that could literally be anything. I was left to fix something without any directions to follow.

I shouldn't be dwelling on it too much, yet the stakes were high. I had to figure something out before it's too late. Stretching my arms over my head helped me relax the tension in my muscles, which was something I needed if I was being honest. I dropped my arms and got out of bed, proceeding to prepare myself a nice warm shower in the bathroom.

Taking my time to get ready was something I had rarely done since starting this journey, but it helped me calm my constantly wondering worries. After drying my hair completely with a cheap hair dryer, I shrugged on a black leather jacket for the chilly weather outside. I packed up my things and left the room.

I left the Pokémon Center as soon as I returned the room key to Nurse Joy. The original plan was to eat breakfast in the cafeteria, but their food selection certainly wasn't my taste. Unfortunately, with only limited cafés here that were still closed, I had no choice but to get something from the convenience store. I came out of there with an overpriced breakfast burrito and warm coffee. I'd rather have something else, but I guess it's still food that I didn't mind eating.

I found a decent spot to eat my food on an unoccupied bench and started eating away. To my surprise, the burrito was okay, but still overpriced. The coffee was average; nothing amazing yet nothing terrible. I wished to have that sandwich from Shalour City. That was a very delicious breakfast.

I was halfway done with my breakfast when I spotted a familiar ginger boy not too far from me. I rose a curious eyebrow when I saw that he was coming toward my direction. His light green eyes met my dark green irises, causing a small grin to appear on his face. I took a quick sip of my coffee and mentally cursed. I didn't want to be around company at the moment, but I also didn't want to send the boy away.

"Hello, Emilia," Trevor greeted as he took a seat next to me.

"Hey," I responded. "Are the others with you?"

"No, we all went our separate ways after you left Laverre City," he explained.

"I see..." Hopefully, he didn't want to know the reason behind me leaving so suddenly from that town. "So, what brings you here?"

"I'm off to go look for Pokémon in the Frost Cavern and fill up my PokéDex." Trevor removed his gaze from his lap and looked over at me. "Do you want to come along?"

I leaned back against the bench and pondered on his offer. Should I go? I didn't have anything better to do and the plan was to leave once I was done eating. On the other hand, there was no harm in accompanying Trevor on his trip to the Frost Cavern so he could fill up his PokéDex. Also, I was a little worried he might have another run-in with Team Flare, who were reported to be near the area. Maybe I should go just to keep him out of harm's way.

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