Three | Start of a Journey

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The disappointment on Shauna's face was clear as day as she returned her fainted Fennekin back into the PokéBall. What I wasn't expecting was for her disappointment to wash away so quickly. The frown from before turned into a bright smile as she jogged her way toward me. She stopped and pulled something out from her bag. The purple bottle with a nozzle led me to believe it was a potion and she intended on using it to heal my Pokémon.

Froakie looked up at me with that bored gaze of his, earning him a shrug as a response from me. I had no idea why Shauna was willing to do such a nice thing for me even after I completely beat her in the battle. Normally, trainers were usually bitter and unhappy losing their first Pokémon battle.

"That was a great battle, Emilia," she complimented, holding out the potion in her hand. "Here, let me heal your Pokémon!"

I couldn't help but scoff a little, but allowed her to do it anyway. She probably wanted a favor from me later on because no one was this nice, especially after losing a battle, and then not expect anything in return. Besides, it's not like Froakie took any real damage during the fight. After spraying any small cuts on Froakie's body, Shauna looked up at me with that beaming bright smile.

"Thanks for being the first person to battle me as a Pokémon Trainer!" She continued to smile, which earned her a raised eyebrow from me.

"Even though you lost?" I questioned, still finding it hard to believe that a newbie Pokémon Trainer like her was being accepting of her defeat.

"Yep! It taught me that I'm gonna have to train hard if I ever want to be stronger." Shauna turned her heels toward the gates of Aquacorde Town, but looked over her shoulder at me, still smiling.

"See ya' later!"

Before I got the chance to question her logic, she dashed off back to the town. I shook out of my disbelief and sighed. This girl, my new neighbor and fellow pupil, was a strange one. Her brother was no exception to my thoughts. I also had this feeling that I wasn't going to get rid of them so easily.

I looked at my wristwatch and let out a groan when I saw I had used up almost two hours of my time. How was that even possible? Mom probably thought I got lost and was probably freaking out even though I hadn't given her a proper time of when I'd get back to the house. I should get going before chaos broke out.

Froakie called out to me and the moment I looked down at him, he jumped up. Out of instinct, I quickly caught him as he landed safely in my arms. I was about to question what he did, but he already took it upon himself to snuggle against my chest and make himself comfortable. A satisfied croak left his mouth, which made me grin a little.

"You're a lazy one, aren't you?" I asked in an ironic manner, though he answered with another croak.

I shook my head and walked on the path to the house. My journey to the house was shorter than the first time, which I was grateful for. When opened the door and entered, a small blur of red flew toward me and rammed itself straight to my face. A tiny growl left my lips, causing Froakie to hop off my arms and onto the floor. I grabbed the red blur and glared at him.

"Quit messing with me before I feed you to a Seviper!" I scolded, but it came out more of a threat. However, Fletchling simply chirped and went unfazed by my threat.

That little shit.

"Oh, Emi! You made it back!"

My anger subsided and I looked ahead, finding my mom coming out of the living room and walking toward me. I loosened my grip on Fletchling and he flew away, flapping his tiny red wings, and flew toward my mom. Fletchling landed on her shoulder.

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