Twenty Five | Heart By Heart

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Going through Route 17 was the most difficult thing I had ever done. So much snow made it near impossible to cross and the cold air because almost unbearable. Luckily, there was a service the provided transportation through the thick snow, which was reasonable since the whole road wasn't crossable by foot. They were also kind enough to provide me with a blanket when I started sneezing and since I wasn't exactly dressed for the weather. The trip to Anistar City could've been worse now that I thought about it, but I wouldn't know unless I got sick the next day.

I was dropped off at the entrance of the city. After I paid the person who took me here, he thanked me and went back into the snowy plains. I checked my watch and saw that it was almost three thirty in the afternoon. The trip felt longer, but then again, I was suffering from the cold. The people of Twinleaf Town would be disappointed in me.

I barely took one step into the city when my Holo Caster went off, meaning that someone had sent me a Holo Clip. Sighing, I took it out from my bag and pressed the blinking red button to see the message. My eyes widened when Calem's familiar face appeared as a hologram. Last time we spoke, things weren't that great between us. What did he want now?

"I know we left off on bad terms, but I really want to make it up to you," he spoke in a genuine voice. "I would love nothing more than to challenge you to a battle. If you win, you can go ahead and punch me as hard as you want. Besides, I totally deserve it after how awful I treated you back in Laverre City. Meet me in front of the Anistar City gym so you can settle the score with me. I'll be waiting."

The message ended and the Holo Caster powered off on its own. He really thought it would be easy to win me over by challenging me to a battle. Oh, I'd totally kick his ass regardless if I won or not. I don't know who he thought I was, but a measly Pokémon battle wasn't a proper apology. I opened up to him and in return, he became a total ass, and here I was thinking he was different.

My hands balled up into fists as I marched angrily into the city. Some people threw me strange looks, no doubt seeing the anger that radiated from me, but I didn't care. As long as no one was dumb enough to approach me, then it was fine. Someone was going to be on the receiving end of my anger.

The gym was further into the city than I thought. Just as he said, Calem stood in front of the gym waiting patiently for my arrival. My anger simmered down into irritation, but I still wanted Calem to know that what he did to me wasn't okay. I relaxed my posture and unwinded my hands from their fists. I then purposely cleared my throat to get his attention.

Calem turned toward me, his stormy grey eyes making contact with my green irises. He seemed happy to see me, but the feeling wasn't mutual at the moment. I was the one who broke out eye contact with a frown evident on my lips.

"You actually came." He sighed with relief. "Listen, I--"

"Let's get this done and over with," I interrupted, which caught him by surprise for some reason. "I have a gym battle waiting for me, so don't waste my time."

I didn't even wait for his response when I released Sylveon. The way his expression became crestfallen made me falter a little, but I couldn't show any weakness. He silently nodded and went to the other side of our makeshift battlefield, releasing his Meowstic.

It wasn't until now when I realized how much of a jerk I was turning into.


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