Thrity | Champion

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Three weeks have passed since the disbandment and arrest of Team Flare. The news spread like wildfire a couple of days later and soon the entire world knew about it. Detective Walker was kind enough to keep me anonymous when releasing details about Lysandre to the news station. There was a warrant out for his arrest and the entire world was after him. He wouldn't last long in hiding, not when he was the common enemy.

I haven't heard from my mom until yesterday when she sent me a letter. She went into detail about how happy she was that Adam was back and that she couldn't wait for me to come home so we could all be a happy family. What surprised me was that she didn't say a word about Dad and what he had done. Maybe she did know and just didn't want to talk about it.

Since the Ultimate Weapon was buried and Team Flare was no more, I continued my journey on my own. I received my final badge in Snowbelle City after defeating the gym leader. From there, I spent a few days going through Victory Road. It was a little overwhelming battling all of those trainers, but my Pokémon never gave up. Along the way, I somehow managed to not take every victory for granted anymore. Perhaps this was me starting to become humble.

I guess this journey changed me more than I thought; I wasn't the same girl I was six months ago, and I was fine with that.

The exit of Victory Road was just up ahead. After passing through the tunnel, I found myself staring in awe at the large stadium that resembled a castle. The longer I stared at it, the more reality started to sink in.

This is it. I smiled brightly. My journey is coming to an end...

Without hesitating, I approached the stadium with my head held high. My last challenge was the Champion herself, but I had no clue who she was other than her name: Diantha. I shouldn't assume anything about her aside that she was powerful. How else did she become the region's champion?

I guess I won't know until I met her face to face.

As I stood on the marble floor surrounding the building's perimeter, the sound of running footsteps caught my attention. I turned around and was taken by surprise when a certain black-haired boy caught up to me. How in the world did he get here?

"Um, hey," I greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not going to challenge the Pokémon League if that's what you mean." Calem waved off. "I've been thinking ever since all the trouble in Geosenge Town."

"What about?" I asked.

"Well..." He sighed, as if trying to gather his thoughts. "Lysandre chose only Team Flare, but you and I chose everyone except Team Flare. Since our positions forced our hands, you can't really say any of us were right."

"There is no right and wrong," I disagreed. "However, we can decide what we think is right and what's wrong. Lysandre thought that what he was doing was right, but we saw that it was wrong because he wanted to get rid of everyone that didn't agree with him. We're all imperfect beings that want to live in a perfect world, yet there isn't one. At least, that's my theory of it."

"That makes sense," Calem agreed. "That's why I feel that if both sides have something to say, maybe it's best to meet halfway. That's also why I made my decision."

"And what would that be?" I rose an eyebrow at him.

"From now on, I don't want to battle just to win, but to see how you and your Pokémon think and feel," he answered. I couldn't help but smirk a little at his underlying message.

"In other words, you want to have a battle," I rephrased. He reached for a PokéBall from his belt.

"I knew you'd get it." Calem tossed the capsule into the air, releasing his Meowstic.

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