Eleven | Voice From the Past

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I always despised that word and I especially loathed it when it became connected to my name.

Hearing her voice utter that disgusting word made me visibly shutter. She didn't have an agitating voice that made you miserable, quite the opposite actually. Her voice was soft and angelic, just as a nurturing mother would have. Just the sound of it made forgotten memories surface. She often spoke to me when I felt upset. I considered her a friend.

But... I grew up. Then my brother came along.

We stopped communicating after that. Well, she was the one who stopped talking to me. I felt betrayed and hurt because she always told me that she'd always stay by my side. She said she would protect me because I would one day be her savior, the hero that would save the world. As I got older, her voice suddenly became inaudible. When I needed her the most, she was gone.

My hands tightened themselves around my legs as I glared. The nostalgically haunting voice had suddenly appeared after all these years and I found it more than suspicious.

"You have grown up so much, my Savior," she spoke.

"Don't call me that," I spat bitterly. "I am no one's damn savior, okay?! So leave me the fuck alone. Besides, disappearing is one of your specialties, is it not?"

I yelped when a sudden breeze swept by, pushing my dark brown hair back. A deep breath left my lips as I tucked a lock of hair behind my ears, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. However, that confusion grew when I sensed something in this distorted atmosphere.


"It was not my intentions to abandon you," she explained in a hurt voice. "My reasons for doing so is a long tale that I cannot tell just yet."

My hardened gaze relaxed as I looked up, even though I knew she wasn't standing there. Truth be told, I had no idea who or what she was, much less what she looked like. I guess as I child I would just imagine her appearance based on her voice, which still sounded suspicious underneath the hurt.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned.

"You will find out very soon." She paused briefly. The distorted area around me began to grow brighter. "For now, stay alert. Danger has arrived, and you are its next target, my Savior."

I gasped loudly as I sat upright so suddenly. My hand flew to my racing heart and I clutched my chest, breathing heavily and rapidly. A small bead of sweat trailed down the side of my face, but I quickly wiped it away. It took awhile for me to calm down, but even when I did, the feeling of uneasiness still lingered.

She came back after years of abandonment, but why? What did she want after all this time?

Shaking my head, I laid back down and stared up at the ceiling. What was I thinking? It didn't matter; she wasn't going to tell me anyway. If anything, she'd only give me some cryptic bullshit and leave it to me to figure it out. She wasn't in a place to ask for my help and I was in no place to give her my help.

I closed my eyes for a while and attempting to fall back asleep, but to no avail. Sighing deeply, I glanced over at my bag that rested against the wall, staring specifically at the envelopes that were sticking out.

"It's not like I have anything better to do," I mumbled to myself. "Reading one couldn't hurt, right?"


Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep that night.

All I could think about as I got ready to leave the Pokémon Center was the letter I read last night. It was one of the letters Reese wrote to me and I felt a little overwhelmed by a simple paragraph she wrote. She hadn't written anything mean, but her words were enough to keep me lost in thought all day. To make matters worse, I followed up by reading one of Lucas's letters, which added more fuel to the fire. Why did I think doing that was a good idea?

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