Two | Playing Friends

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Had I known I was going to be dragged around by an annoying fifteen-year-old girl, I would've happily gone to Aquacorde Town on my own after consulting a directory.

The walk here hadn't started off too bad, but I should've stopped Shauna when she told Calem she wanted to look around and take me along because, according to her, I was still new to the region and needed to get to know the area better. She wasn't necessarily wrong in that point, but the fact that she had visited all four stores twice, I would've thought otherwise. Why did I let this happen?

I wasn't a very patient person, to begin with, so imagine my annoyance as I watched Shauna bounce from one end of the store to the other and looking at everything in detail. Even the clerk standing behind the cash register seemed annoyed that Shauna wasn't even interested in buying anything. At one point, I had considered ditching her, but that would be rather cruel of me. I might not be the most friendly person in the world, but even I didn't have the heart to just leave her.

Either way, I had enough of this.

"Shauna," I spoke in a very agitated voice. "This is the third time we've come to this store and you still haven't gotten anything. Either buy something, or we can leave and never come back. We need to get going already for goodness sakes! There are people waiting for us too!"

The brunette gave me a small pout and put down the Abomasnow snowglobe as a small but audible "fine" left her lips. As we left the store, I saw that the clerk had her hands clapped together as a thank you for getting Shauna out of the store for good. After leaving the store, we searched the town for Calem. Thanks to his hat that stood out like a sore thumb, I found him sitting with two other boys, whom I assume were Professor Sycamore's people that we were supposed to meet.

I grabbed Shauna's hand and pulled her along, making our way over to Calem. When we arrived, I let her hand go and took a seat next to the black-haired boy. Shauna sat down on the opposite end that was to the right of Calem.

"It's about time," Calem kidded. "I was just about to go get you two."

Rather than answering with a sarcastic retort, I decided it would be best to bite my tongue. The last thing I wanted was for me to put a bad impression on Professor Sycamore's pupils. I will not let Professor Rowan's efforts in getting me into this program go to waste. Besides, Shauna was the one to blame for our tardiness. Calem turned his gaze away from me and settled on the two boys I have yet to know.

"Here's the new girl I was talking about." The black-haired boy motioned toward me. "This is Emilia Grey. She was Professor Rowan's pupil."

"Pleasure to meet you." I displayed a stern nod in a business manner.

Taking the opportunity to get a better look on the boys, the first thing I noticed was how young they were. If I had to guess, I'd say maybe younger than Calem and I by three years or so. It made me feel rather awkward being one of the older ones I wasn't sure how Calem felt about it either.

One of the boys, probably the youngest of the group based on his petite form, had bright ginger hair in a bowl haircut. He wore a white polo under a green vest and had some strange device hanging from his neck. The other boy, most likely older than the other boy but younger than Calem and I, was a greater contrast.

He had short black hair done in spikes. His onyx-colored eyes held a mischievous glint, but perhaps he was a harmless one. The boy wore a black t-shirt that had a Vanillite design on the center. Unlike the other boy, this one was rather big, but no doubt held a lot of strength.

"That boy with the black shirt is Tierno and the one with the ginger hair is Trevor," Shauna introduced, motioning to each one.

"Emilia... I like that name." Tierno nodded. "But how about we give you a nickname? What about Lady E?"

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