Eight | Broken Friendship

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We watched as the tall man entered the laboratory, his eyes roaming the space as if looking for someone in particular. His flaming red hair slicked back, but it was his piercing green eyes that blazed underneath that stern demeanor. When his eyes suddenly landed on me, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy all of the sudden. Something about his presence set off an alarm in my head, as if warning me that he was no good. Whether it was a hunch or my paranoia, I didn't know, but I was certain something about him was quite peculiar.

My posture became stiff as the man approached us, his face remaining strict. Calem and Shauna hadn't caught on what I felt, much less question anything about him. While they remain oblivious, I became cautious.

"Excuse me, children, but would any of you know where I can find Professor Sycamore?" he asked in a deep yet sophisticated voice.

My eyes hardened as my fingers instinctively gripped the parcel tighter. The uneasiness didn't subside, but rather grew more. What business did a man like him had with Professor Sycamore? I opened my mouth to say something, but Calem beat me to it.

"Wait a minute!" he exclaimed, his grey eyes lighting up. "Aren't you Lysandre? The person who created the popular Holo Caster?!"

The man was taken aback by Calem's enthusiastic praise, but smiled at him nonetheless. The smile he wore looked faked enough to fool him, but it didn't fool me.

"Why yes, that would be me," he confirmed. "I'm rather flattered that you know who I am."

Lysandre chuckled a bit at Calem's starstruck expression. I rose an eyebrow at his sister, who only shrugged in response. I have never heard of this man and the fact that I had his device in my bag already left me even more cautious. Mom gave it to me before I left, but I still didn't know how to properly use it. I couldn't believe that a shady guy like him created the Holo Caster.

Maybe I should boycott the device until I figure out who he really was.

"If you're looking for Professor Sycamore, he's up in the second floor in his office," Calem informed him.

"But Professor Sycamore sid he was going to be busy for the rest of the day. He's trying to contact his other trainer to inform them of the new PokéDex update," I abruptly informed him in a rather rude manner. Lysandre ignored my tone and flashed me a fake smile.

"I see..." he mused. "So you're one of the kids Professor Sycamore gave the PokéDex to. That's a wonderful thing indeed."

Lysandre looked away from us, his expression turning into a thoughtful mask. A tiny smirk twitched up on his lips as he stroked his chin.

"I try to learn about Pokémon as much as I can to build a brighter future. The Professor has taught me so much. Pokémon and people should work together to make this world a better place."

My eyes widened at his words. Make this world a better place...?

Dad once said something awfully similar before he ruined everything...

Shaking away the shock, I clenched my jaw tightly when those toxic memories from before tied to resurface. That man gave no fucks about our family when he chose to do what he did. He never once thought about how we'd feel, yet he still chose to walk the path of destruction and dragged us all with him. Gah, what was I doing?! This was not the time nor place to think about something so sensible.

Lysandre dropped his hand to his side and gave us a closed-eyed smile, one that was even more plastic than his previous smiles. Just the sight made me glare at him.

"Well, I'll be off. Please give the Professor my best."

He began to walk away and we all watched his retreating figure, but he paused right in front of the automatic doors. My eyes widened once more when I heard the thing he mumbled before he left the laboratory.

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