Five | Face and Face

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The fact that I had finally arrived in Santalune City wasn't even in my mind at the moment. All I could think about were my words that I exchanged with Calem before I separated myself from the rest of the group. I felt cornered as they pestered me with questions, and the response I had given them was already too much for them to know. I shouldn't have to explain myself to them, yet I still told them. Gah, I had to make sure the same thing would never happen again.

I didn't agree to go on this journey to make friends; I agreed to travel in hopes of putting my misery in the past.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I decided to use the Town Map to investigate what Santalune City had to offer. After pulling the device out of my bag and powering it on, I waited for my location to load. My eyes fell upon the red pin flashing with the words "Santalune City" appearing above it. Everything about this place was available to me when I tapped on the information tab. Unfortunately, when I read the time displayed at the very top of the screen, I knew my exploring would have to wait until tomorrow.

Aside from not having a proper lunch earlier today, I also wanted to rest for the night. I haven't particularly gotten used to traveling by foot and I no longer had access to my bike during the move. Powering off the Town Map, I put it away and made my way to the Pokémon Center. Hopefully, there were still rooms available to book for the night. I didn't plan on staying here for more than a day anyway.

The automatic doors opened the moment I stepped on the black mat near them. I was welcomed with a cool and relaxing air when I stepped foot inside. Since it was around eight o'clock at night, the lobby was rather empty. Only a few people lingered about: Pokémon Trainers, a businessman, a breeder, and an Ace Trainer.

I walked toward Nurse Joy, who had been typing on a computer at her desk. When she saw me, the pink-haired nurse stood up and waited for me with that signature welcoming smile. I had no intentions on healing Froakie since he was perfectly healthy. I flashed her a small smile as I reached the counter.

"Hello and welcome to the Pokémon Center! Would you like me to heal your Pokémon?" she offered, but I shook my head.

"No, but thank you," I kindly rejected. "I was wondering if I could book a room for the night, please."

"Of course!" she beamed, excusing herself to the computer. A few minutes later, she came back with a bronze key card and a clipboard with a pen attached to it. "We have a room available for you. I just need you to sign in and you're all set!"

Once I signed my name that had a number highlighted, I grabbed the keycard and thanked Nurse Joy before heading to the room. It didn't take too long to find the room since it was rather close to the lobby. When I arrived, I inserted the bronze keycard and waited for the door to unlock. A small green light flickered on the electric lock, which was accompanied by a small buzzing noise. I twisted the knocked and pushed the door opened.

I closed the door behind me after I flicked the light switch on. My room was nothing special; it was the standard decor you'd find in any kind of inn or motel which contained a bed, nightstand, lamp, and desk. The bathroom was to my right when I first entered the room. After dropping my stuff onto the bed, I brought my arms over my head and stretched. I paused when I heard that monstrous growl coming from my stomach.

I guess it's time to eat.


"What a letdown, I mumbled after filling Froakie's bowl with Pokémon food.

My starter didn't hesitate to dig in right away, not even concerned that he might choke with the rapid pace he was eating it. I would do the same had the cafeteria had other options to choose from. A scowl made its way onto my face when I gazed back at the steaming clam chowder in front of me. Not only was I not in the mood for soup, but I also wasn't particularly fond of clam chowder. That was an understatement; I strongly disliked clam chowder.

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