Twenty One | Catching Up

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It was hard fighting off the content grin on my face as we all exited the train that took us to Lumiose City. Man, how long had it been since I last stepped foot in here? Now that I was back here, I couldn't wait to explore what I missed during my last visit. However, all of that would have to wait until after my gym battle. I was more than confident that I'd win because of how strong my Pokémon were. That gym badge was practically in my hands.

I looked over my shoulder and found Jay speaking to someone through his cellphone with Reese patiently waiting for him to finish. Lucas was next to me, probably not wanting to be the third wheel around them. The blond boy nodded a few times and bid the person on the other line goodbye before hanging up. He then noticed all of us staring at him as he put away his cell phone.

"Everything okay?" I wondered.

"Yeah, it was my boss on the other end. I just needed to check in with her or else she'd go nuts," Jay explained as we all left the train station together.

"Do you have to go back to work?" Reese whined with a pout. "You promised to show me a good time here."

"I won't be gone all day. Besides, the city comes to life in the evening. You and I are going to have a good time, I assure you." He promised with that annoying flirty smile.

"Fine by me." Reese giggled.

Lucas looked as though he wanted to puke, and I honestly didn't blame him. Those two were non-stop flirting with each other during the entire train ride; the last thing we needed was to witness more of it.

"Well then, lovebirds," I interrupted the two. "I'll be on my way to the gym. Y'know, if you care anyway."

"I'll tag along," Lucas added. He leaned in close to me and said, "If I have to stay with them any longer, I'm certainly going to throw up."

I didn't argue with him about that. We split up once again and went our separate ways for the day. It hadn't occurred to me that Lucas and I were on our own until we were walking along the sidewalk toward the direction of the gym. I felt a little awkward at the silence between us, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. What was I supposed to say to him? What could I say to him after all this time?

Sighing, I gave myself a quick slap on both cheeks. Now wasn't the time to dwell on the history I had with him and Reese; I needed to focus on my gym battle. I couldn't afford to lose anymore.

The sight of the Prism Tower in all its glory was enough to leave me awestruck. It was the first time I really took a good look at the famous architecture that made this city famous. What made that landmark even more fascinating was the fact that the city's gym was inside. It was shocking to me when I found out.

When I took a few steps near the entrance, I took a moment to go over the battle strategy I created while on the train from Coumarine City. The gym leader specialized in Electric-type Pokémon, which meant I couldn't use Greninja or Fletchinder at all. Helioptile was still getting used to the idea of a battle with other Pokémon. Sylveon might stand a chance, but she'd be in immediate disadvantage if there was a dual Steel-type Pokémon. Ivysaur had some resistance against electric attacks and Blaziken was our ace in the hole.

"Are you ready for your gym battle?"

I looked to my right and found Lucas acting patiently for me. Something in his eyes told me that he didn't mean to ask that specific question, yet couldn't bring himself to ask the one he wanted. I sighed and nodded my head.

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