Part 2 • XVl

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••Song: Ojalá Pudiera Borrarte- Mana••

It was usually sunny in California but today as I drive closer to place Luke and I track her down the sky seem dark clouds everything about today feels wrong

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It was usually sunny in California but today as I drive closer to place Luke and I track her down the sky seem dark clouds everything about today feels wrong.
The clouds have completely eaten the sun it's not even four yet, but the sky seems to pick up my emotions. My princess is my sun and I haven't been by her side in almost two years. I didn't need to have her in arms; just as long as I know we were the same house was good enough for me. I grew up sharing my love and this with her wasn't any different than before.

I knew that day she walked into the club, I would love her forever but I also knew she would never be mine.
Lightning strikes across the sky as if Zeus himself was full of rage, and everyone going to feel his wrath.
As I drove over to the motel, "You're so close." I turn to right I see her sitting there with her famous V neck rocker shirt she loves to wear around the house with torn jeans and messy bun. "I know princesa, I need to get to you before my body can no longer stay awake."
I don't know if my body can take any more sleepless nights, it's beginning to see things that are really not there.
Ghosts of my love appear at random times, I catch myself talking to her but I know its reality I'm talking to myself.
                                  All I know is today is the day, I know it. I can feel it in my bones, they shake with anticipation of having her in my arms again. If I find her I promise to leave her be, to let her grow old with Luke as I find another.
It only took me twenty-four months; I knew she was just barely hanging by a thread I followed all the clovers to roach fest motel, as I pulled in I spot a new Cadillac car park, only that car seem out of place for this place.

He has a pattern it was sample stole car every another day and clover place in each place they gas up. When I had Luke run up the plates, think about new luxury cars they all have star automatic GPS and he was able to track down the location.  It was easy to figure out what room it was he parked right in front, rookie mistake.

   I kick the door open to only see HIM on the floor tied to the bedpost and my princess was next to him in bed as she appears more bones then skin with pale skin but she seems to be barely hanging by a tread.  Her skin was pale with a shade of blues and purple as I get closer to her, her breathing is shallow, her heartbeat is fading and blood all over her legs. 
I grab the bedspread to cover her naked body while I make a call to Joseph, "I need someone come to get the dog in this room, try to save him keep alive until I get there. Sending coordinates now."
                   I grab Grace into my arms hold her bridal style her little body weights nothing, tears drop from my eyes as she opens her eyes, "Henry? Are you here to finally take me home?"
          "No my love, its Perez."
"Oh, my babies how are they, are they safe? He has bombs in the house. Please get them out." I quickly place her in the car, "Luke I need to leave the house now CODE RED."

We're in private room in the hospital, she's going on by a thread she placed in the induced coma due to all injuries in her body. Doctors couldn't give me a percentage rate of survival, he said, "Have her family come and see her, give her last rites."

I lay next to her in the body, as I wrap her underneath me, holding her what might be the last time I held her in my arms. I close my eyes for the first time I let sleep take me.
I knew that no matter what happens tomorrow I was able to have her in my arms right now but tomorrow she'll return to her rightful place with Luke and her children.

I knew that no matter what happens tomorrow I was able to have her in my arms right now but tomorrow she'll return to her rightful place with Luke and her children

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I was able to get some sleep more than I have in two years but sadness still lingers on. I gentle remove myself from her small frame before Joaquin walks in and see my vulnerability.

No one has ever seen that part of me but last night as I held her I cried and whisper in ear how much I need her in my life, how much she means to me. Just as I get off and cover her back she lets go of a small moan. Did she know I was there? Joaquin storms in as he sees her little body hook up into machines, he drops to his knees beside her bed grabbing her arms holding close to his face. He let's go of loud sobs, "Mamacita por favor, ti quiero con todo mi alma"
(Mother please, I love you with all my soul)

I walk out to let him have his privacy, it breaks my heart. She extremely loved more than she ever imagines it breaks my heart to know that she might never see it. I only have her, no one feels that way towards me but I know it's not about me. Just as I lean against the wall, I hear Mia, "Peeeeerez," She's running towards me. I never seen that girl full of emotion, it was like I was seen a seven-year version of Mia but seven-year-old Mia was quiet and reserve.
I stand straight and she knocks the wind out of my chest as she jumps into my chest, "YOU KEPT YOUR PROMISE!! Thank you! Thank You! I love you."
I squeeze her tightly as she cries into my arms, "I don't get to tell you enough but you are like my second dad. I'm grateful to have three great men in my life, two dads who love Joaquin and I. Joaquin doesn't tell you much but he loves you just as the same."

There it was, love.

Love, I never thought I had, "Love you too."
I saw Luke three feet behind her with a small smile giving a small nod. I now get why he stayed around, he loves those kids with all his life. Even if Grace treated him bad I knew he couldn't live without them. Home is where the heart is. This was the first time I said I love you another person another than to mi princesa. "Joaquin is inside." She storms in, leaving me behind with Luke. He came up to me shook my hand and shove me into a brotherly embrace.

"Thanks, man." Was all he said, I just nod.
My brain cannot process the physical and emotion affections.
"I'm going inside, come on man, it's your family too." He states, internally I smile, I hurt this man more ways than I imagine yet he was still a bigger man than I imagine and a better man.

There were Mia and Joaquin squeezing themselves in bed to have Grace in between them.  I swear for a moment it was like watching them as little kids watching TV with her in the middle all over again.

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