Chapter 2 (Back to the forest)

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'Olia' sat in her cell. She heard Duncan call it that once. I looked at the scars on my arm. And felt the vains on my face. Ever since that day I knew something went wrong. The vains on my arm and half of my face turned a dark... What was it called again? Purpil, no. Purlpo? Purple, that's what its called. I was waiting for Duncan to come for the daily 'shots', I heard Duncan call the cyclinder that too. Each 'shot' something different happened. Yesterday a rose colored 'shot' made me feel like I was in burning like a green face (A/N: creeper~) in the sun. I heard him open the door. The 'shot' he held looked like the color of water. He stepped closer I trembled in fear. He stuck the shot in my left sholder. I felt my breathing in my chest stop. I was trying to grab the man but he was just out of my reach. He wrote something on a white square and stabbed me somewhere in the leg with a see through liquid. I felt myself able to breath. I painted for a few miniutes, then he left. He dropped something near me on the way out. It looked like a messed up chunck of shiny wood. It had a marks on it and was cut twards the front. I grabbed it and held it. It wasn't made out of wood. It looked fimiluar though. (A/N: I suck at spelling. Don't judge me! >^<) I remember! Duncan had this when he opened my cell! I put the object in a fancy hole on the middle of the cell opening. I turned it, mimicing the movements Duncan did. I pushed the door to see it opened. I am free. I am free! I AM FREE!!! I rejoyced in my head while I searched for an exit from the place I was in. A door was on my left. I opened it and steped out. I looked at the forest surrounding me. Then I ran. I ran faster than I ever did before. I just wanted to get away from that horrible place. Once I thought I was far enough my belly growled. I haven't eaten in 4 days. Duncan only feed me enough to stop me from starving. And at most I got a pice of stale bread and lukewarm water, that you could tell he did something to. I looked around to see if any food or water was around me. I tightened the scarf that was around my neck and lower face. After some time I found a small river. I cupped my hands and drank the cool water. I looked at the face looking back, I gasped at the sight of my face. The purple veins running around the right side of my face and arm. One of my eyes was turned a bright purple, while the other had its natural green. One of my ears where a dark purple, again, the other was its natrual black. I looked at my tail and I was relived to see it was still black. I took of my scarf and was horrified at the sight of my face, so i quickly puf it back on.I tucked my ears into my hair and I pused my tail into my pants. I looked around for something to cover the right side of my face. I found leaves and some vines. This will have to do. I pressed some leaves to the side of my face and slowly tied the vines around the leaves. Leaving half of my face covered. I made a tight knot with the vines to make sure it wouldn't come off anytime soon. I also buttoned up my coat so my arm wouldn't show, even though it felt like bright sun. (A/N: summer) As I went to look around again I also found a small bush with small blue berrys. I cleaned them and ate one cautously seeing if they where poison. To my luck they where wonderful! I grabbed as meny I could and set off running again. I only stopped when I needed to eat or needed to rest. When it turned night I climbed up a tall tree and slept it wss best sleep I ever had in a long time. "Hey, can you go get some wood?" A voice said. "Why can't you do it?" A second voice said. "BECAUSE I AM DOING SOMETHING DUMB DUMB" The first voice said. I slowly opened my eyes and looked down from the tree. Two men in  wierd clothes where directly under me. One of them had a water color square on their clothes and the other had an.. Orange? I think that was what it was called. The with the orange square was starting to hit the tree I was in with a sharp rock on a stick. I started to panic. What do I do?! What do I do?! I slowly climbed down the tree when one the one wacking the tree saw me. "HEY!" He said. I started to run. I can't go back! I never am going back!! He ran after me after yelling his friends name. Sips, I think he said. I turned my head halfway around. He was catching up. He threw something at me but I doged the object he chucked at me. He 'friend' he called was directly behind me. I was suprised at how fast was. He tackled me and held me to the ground. "Who are you?" He said coldly. "I just want to leave this forest." I said hoping that it would convince them to get off me. "I said WHO ARE YOU?" He repeated. I gave a sigh of defeat. " Abtainian" I said. Wow, it felt good to say my real name. He got off me and apoligied for holding me down and tackling me. "Its okay... But can you tell me where I am?" He and his friend looked shocked. "What?"I said, confused at their sudden change in face. (A/N: No, its not a grammer mistake) "Uhh. Your at Sipsco. I am Sijn and he is Sips" The other guy said. I waved my hand. "I could lead you out of the forest, if you want." The one with lots hair on his face said. His face was the color of a rose. "Are you ok? Your face is the color of a rose!." I asked. His face got a darker shade of the color. While his pale friend giggled and pointed at his face.

Sorry for the mega long chap, next one coming up in a bit!

           ~ Slive-

PYSHIC!!! Thank you anyone and everyone who is reading this book! And I think sjin has a crush on Abtainian!!! *sings* SJIN AND ADTIANIAN SITTING IN A TREE *sips joins in* K I S S I N G

    ok, bye for real

           ~ Silver

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