Chapter 9 (Burning tears)

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Guys, I made a good person with good morals a bat shit crazy murderer! Omg.. What did I do? Well that's what I get for listening to 'You are the Moon' By The Hush Sound on repeat. :P *sigh* oh well


She walked up to me smiling. This is it, I'm gonna die. At least I die by the girl I love. I close my eyes ,waiting, but the pain never came. I opened my eyes her claws where at my throat. "I-I can't." She said. She wasnt talking to me. Who else could she be talking to. I see her have a look of confusion on her face. As she falls she reveals Lewis accompanied by Simon. I smile but it quickly fades away as look around to see my half dead friends bleeding on the floor. I feel tears well up to my eyes again. Lewis looks horrified at the attempted murder sence. Simon starts to cry. Lewis helped me take everyone to the medical bay and we got them covered with bandages. "What do we do with her?" Lewis asked while pointing at the blood stained limp body. "Find and lock her in a room." I say. As much as I loved her, this was unacceptable. She almost killed my friends, she almost killed me. What did stop her from killing me? What did Duncan possibly do that made her go that insane?! .Duncan. I sprinted as fast as I could to his castle. I opened the unlocked door. "Hello?" I asked the darkness. I heard a few coughs on the side of the door so I closed it and looked behind the door. Duncan was sitting with his back agenst the wall, laying in a pool of his own blood. "Its *cough* my f-fault *coughing fit*" He said. "What did you do to her?!" I asked. How could he even want to do this? "E-ender." He said. "Ender es-since *cough*" Then he passed out. I romoved his lab coat and wrapped it around him, adding pressure to the wound. I put his arm on my sholder and we begain slowly walking to the castle.


I carried the girl into the farthest room form the medical bay I could find. I placed her on a bed. How did this all happen? I hoped someone would have an explimation when they wake up. I sighed and went to close the door when I heard her crying. She winced as they fell. Are they causing her pain? "*mumble* I am so sorry" She says. I look at her face. She has purple and black veins going all around her face and arms. Her stained hands and shirt are dripping with blood. I go outside and see Honeydew still crying. I try to comfort him, but I think I just made things worse. I walked outside to get air when I saw Sijn and a passed out Duncan. "Duncan!" I say happly, but Sijn just looks at me with dissapointment. I realize that Duncan was stabbed multible times. "Bloody hell, what happened?!" I asked. "Same thing that happened to them." He relpied. I can't belive that one girl did all that.

ABTAINIANS POV (A/N: note, no quotes)

I wake up in darkness. Nothing, just, darkness. "Hello?" I yell. My voice echos through the enternal darkness. I see a light so distince away, so I walk to it.  (A/N: like a spot light. Kind of like near the end of 'Among the Sleep'.) As I walk under it images apear all around me.  My friends dead bodys surround me. I stare at them horrified. You did this, you killed them. Your a monster. "W-whos there?!" I asked the darkness around me. Because of you there all dead. You murdered them all. "N-no I didn't! " I yelled at the voice. Look at them, are they alive? I walk up to Sijn and felt his pulse, he had none. Look at the blood on your hands, its all theirs. I felt tears burn both side of my face. I look at my hands, they are driping with blood even though I feel no pain. Its their blood."I am so sorry." I said to them, even though they couldn't hear me. You ended their lives so easly. Memorys flood back to me. Me stabbing everyone. Except Sijn. "I didn't kill him." I said to the voice. Yes, you did. Look at his dead body on the floor. "I DIDNT KILL HIM!" I screamed. "This is a lie." I told the invisible voice. No it isn't! Look at them, their dead! You killed them with you own hands! "No! I didn't!" I screamed at the voice. Then I felt the darkness become lighter. "I didn't kill anyone! You did!" I yelled. "I remember! You where the voice telling me who to kill! You turned me into a murderer!" I screamed. The darkness turned into a very light grey. "You made me kill them! I hate you! Your the real monster!" Enough! The darkness turn to a bright white. Then I allowed myself to open my eyes. I was in a little room with nothing but a bed and a door. I walk up to the door. Locked. I sit on the bed. Then I realized. I survived! I am alive! I didn't die!... Oh no! I killed them! NO! Its my fault! I killed all! I started to cry, ignoring the pain on my face and eyes. I started banging on the door. A short chubby man with a rose colored beard came in. He was holding a sword at my neck. His eyes where puffy, like he was just crying. He pressed the sword into my neck. "You killed them." He said. He dug the sword deeper in my skin. I let out a hiss of pain. My black blood flowed from the wound. He looked startled at the sight of black blood. "I-I am so s-sorry" I choked out between sobs. "You think sorrys going to bring them back?!!" He asked me. "Your a murder!" He said to me.  "Oww... My chest hurts." A fimiluar voice said as he walked in.the room. "S-Sips!" The short man said as he gave him a huge hug. "No, its Jim." He said sarcasticly. He looked at me and grabed the sword the short man droped as he gave him hug. "Y-you!" He said while pointing the sword at me. "You tried to kill me! And to think we where going to go help you!"  He yelled at me. Help me? I am killer. I deserve to die by their hands. Then Sijn walked in. "Sips!! OH MY BLOODY HELL YOUR ALIVE!!!!!" He jumped on Sips and nearly toppled him over. Then he punched him on the arm."Oww... What was that for?" Sips asked while rubing his newly added bruse. "For scaring me half to death!" He said to Sips. Sijn then looked at at me. He walked up to me and did something I never thought he would do. He...

Hi! You like dat cliff so much you want to hug it? You don't even have hands! I hope you like the story so far! 28 views in 2 days! That's amazing!! May I please get some feed back on well the story is so far? Bye my fabulous derps!

                 ~ Silver

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