Chapter 11 (Love?)

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Sorry for not uploading when I said I was going to upload. I got really busy. My mom and my niisans moved. And nows she's making us clean 24/7, so sorry! Anyway, 100+ veiws! Thank you! Now... Romance!


??? POV

Stupid Toby! Why does he always mess with my stuff!? I kept walking through the forest. "Where did he put it?.." I questioned myself. I kept walking and walking till I needed a break. I sat down and ate my last apple. I better hurry back. I will yell at him when I get back to the tent. "NO!". That sounds like a girl! Around that block. The trees helped me get to the source of the scream. "Thank you" I whispered in tree tounge. (A/N: that's now a thing. okay? okay.) I turned the corner sharply, too sharp. I toppled over creating lots of sound in the process. I came out of the bush to see a small girl sitting in the middle of a clearing. "Hello?" I asked her. She flinched at the sound of my voice, but she didn't move other than that. "Earth to person..?" I put my hand on her sholder. "Oh, hi" She relpied. Her voice was smooth like butter, but, it was small. As if she barely used it. I tried to turn her around but she resisted.  She was crying. "Are you ok?" I tried to make my voice sound calming, but I don't think that it worked. I kept trying to turn her around but to no affect. She seemed to be hiding something. Well here goes nothing! I held my breath as I gave one powerful pull. She was pulled to face me. I stood there, shocked. Hundereds of scars where on her lower face. One of them, how ever, looked like a severe burn that would never heal. Her upper half of her face was covered in purple vains, her eyes where a deep purple, kind of like Rythians, but darker. Even though she was scar-ed (A/N: cause it looks like scared if you add it together :P ) she had a elegant beauty to her- WAIT WHAT? You cant be in love! Can I? I shook the thought from my head but she was already gone.


I ran deeper into the woods. At least he didn't try to kill me. You should have killed him. SHUT UP! I AM NOT GOING TO KILL ANYONE!! SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!! I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU WHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA!!!!! My felt my eyes grow wider at this statement. The tears that burn fell onto my face. "W-why me?.." I choked out between sobs. Because we are one. What do you mean? ... "What do you mean?!" I yelled at nothing. I wanted to leave, just leave this world. To go away and never come back. No one would miss me. No one would care. Rythian, he hates me and wants to kill me for what I did to Zoey. Sips and Sijn, same reason, different people. The two men, I didn't even know them and they wanted to kill me! Duncan, well, he's long since dead, even though I don't feel guilt about that death. That boy seemed nice enough, but if he finds out what I did, he'll want to kill me to. I just wanted to disapear and never be seen. I heard a person walk up to me. "Its okay, I wont hurt yo-" "YES YOU WILL!! THEY ALL WANT TO KILL ME!" I screamed at the boy, I cried harder. "W-who?" He asked me, clearly feeling pity. "Everyone.." I said in reply. "Well, I don't want to kill you." He said kindly to me. I flinched at his kind words. "You will when you realize what I've done. You should go before I do the same to you!" I didn't want a kind and innocent person to die, but I was a killer. I had to except that. "Well what did you do?". I didn't want to answer, but I knew I had too. "I-I k-killed them-m" I stuttered out. He looked shocked for a moment. "I don't think a shortington like you could do that!" He laughed as he ruffed my hair. (A/N: no offince to people who are shorter! You are perfectly able to be a murderer! •____•… That sounds bad when I think about it. I don't incourage murder, its just that..... I'll shut up now.) I felt my ears being touched. He felt them some more. "Do you have... Cat ears?" He asked skepticly. I slowly noded as he petted and stroked my ears. I purred as he kept rubbing them. He laughed and kept going. Once he stoped he looked at me and smiled. "Yep, you are killer materal." He said sarasticly. Isn't he scared of me? Duncan said everyone would fear me. Duncan. I scowled at the name. "Hey, what's wrong?" He said with concern. I got a good look at him. He had yellow hair and a cloth wraped around his forehead. He had a grass colored shirt with a weird shape on it. He had long pants. "N-nothing" I said to him. He gave me a weird look and then he smiled at me. "Why don't you come to my camp. You look like you haven't eaten in days!" He said cheerly. I wanted to accept his offer, but I couldn't. If I befriend him they might hurt him. "Sorry, but I can not accept." I said to him politly. "And why not?" He said back to me. "Uhh I..." I tried to come up with an exsuse, but couldn't. "Exactly! Now come on!" He said happly. He scooped me up in a weird hold as he ran through the woods. "Wow! You really do need food! Your as light as a feather!" He smile down at me. "Please let me go! I don't want you to get hurt!" I didn't want anybody else to die. They are all going to... SHUT UP! I hit myself in the head. He stoped for a moment, then he carried on running. "Pfft! By who?" He relpied. "M-me" I said. To be honest I was truely scared of myself and what I might do next. He just chuckled lightly and ran untill we reached a small clearing with small white... I don't know what they are. The man set me down. He must have saw my confusion because he explained them.

~~~~time skip to end of explination~~

I nodded my head at his words. Te-nts. A small boy walked into the camp. I backed up untill I hit the other man that was behind me. "Woah! Careful there!" He said to me. "This is Toby. Toby this is...?" He gestured twards me. "Natalie." I said to him. I didn't want to use my real name. And my other fake name would draw attention. (A/N: *Winks* see what I did there? Toby and Natalie? X) Not a CP fanfic though, so not today.) Natalie was the first think that popped into my head. "Oh! And I am Martyn! Sorry I didn't tell you earlier." He rubbed the back of his neck while his face turn into a dark rose color. Toby nudged him in his side, and Martyn punched him. It reminded me of when I met Sips and Sijn. I frowned at the memory of me hurting them. "Something seems to be bothering you." Martyn said while looking at me. "Oh, its nothing." I said to them, hoping they would buy the lie. He looked me one more time before yelling at his friend. Something about 'Saplings' but I wasn't really paying attention. When the got done Martyn gave me a piece of steak and some fresh bread. It was the best thing I ever tasted! Better than blood? I SAID, LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I thanked them for the meal. "No problem, looks like you needed it!" Toby said to me. I went to leave when someone grabed my tail. "Woah! You have a tail?! Cool!" Toby grabbed my tail and started to stroke it. I purred at him while Marytin petted my ears. This went on for about an hour, when I asked them to stop. They stoped and showed me to my bed. Witch wasn't very far from me. I thanked them again and fell into a sleep.

Hi! Again sorry for not uploading in a while. And thank you for your reads and support! This was an extra long chapter for you guys, so I hoped you liked it! I thank each and every one of you! Love ya!


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