Chapter 27 (The letter pt. 2)

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???? POV

I woke on a hard tile floor, Ridge hovering over me. "Thank notch your alive!!" He said happly as he offered a hand. I got up by myself and stayed silent. "Are you ok?" He asked me with worry. "Fine." I replied, opening and slaming the door. I trudged to my room, locking the door when I reached it. I stared at my refection in the big mirror, my dirty face, my knotty hair, and a small stream of blood leading out of my mouth on the corner of my lips. For a second, just a second, I thought I saw them, standing behind me. "Onii-san?" I yelled as I shot around, no one. "Please..Come back." I cried. "I didn't mean to..Please it was just a mistake.. I never wanted to leave..." I continued. I looked at myself again, tears like a stream from my eyes. My weakness showed, and that irretated me. So I shoved the full size mirror to the ground, making it shatter into small, sharp, peices. A flying peice cut my cheek, but I didn't stop there. I started to punch out all the windows, break the fine china , even shatter the rose vase. A lould knock came from the door. "Is everything alright?". I didn't answer, I just kept throwing glass to the floor. "I'll break down this door!" Ridge threatened. I still didn't reply. Two large thunps and the door was open, its hindges now off. "What the bloody hell are you doing?!" He yelled at me. I just ignored him and carried on breaking any glass I could get my hands on. "Stop it!" He yelled. But I continued smashing the glass. He grabbed my fist before I hit a small hand mirror. "Stop." He said sternly. "...". I glared daggers at him. "You've haven slept in weeks, your passing out, and now your making your hands and face bleed?"."Shut up.". "Your haven't been eating, your coughing up blood-"."Shut up!". "You ignore me, you've been dissapearing to notchknowswhere in the middle of the night, you always-". "SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!!!" I screamed.

"I'm trying to help you, so you don't end up killing yourself!". "I'm not going to-". "If you keep living this way you will! You need food and rest to live, your only human!". He ingulfing me in a hug. "Please." He whispered. "Please... I don't want to see you get hurt.". He squeezed tighter, as if he was eight. Old, forgotten memorys flooded back.

It was the same night that Cealia and Sky died. I was smashing dishes to the floor, throwing things at the walls, including the now empty bottles of gin. My arms and face was bleeding from misdirected glass flying everywhere. "Master stop!". I turned around, a small boy was standing at the entrince of the room. "Ridge. Just leave me alone." I said to him, throwing another plate at a wall. Footsteps came closer. "I said, LET ME BE!" I screamed, throwing a plate near his feet. He jumped back, but then continued walking twards me, giving me a big hug.  "Please... I don't want to see you get hurt.".

I snapped back to reality. And squirmed out of his arms. "You know what? Your right. Plus, the games start tomorrow! So I need all the rest I can get!" I laughed. I began to leave the room. But he just stared sadly at the ground, as if I missed the whole point.


There I saw him. Lying on the floor of the 4th's floor bathroom in a small pool of blood. His eyes like a dead fishes, unmoving and unblinking. But what really caught my eye, was his two wrists. Both where cut deep and straight over the vain. I covered my mouth to stop me from screaming. I quickly tore off some of my shirt and made make-shift bandages. I tightly wrapped up both of his wrists. I felt around his neck, trying to feel a pulse. A faint rythimatic thump gave me hope that he was still alive. I carefully put him over my sholder and walked to someone, anyone, I thought would help him.


The Captive Creeper was packed, but everything stayed quiet, execpt for the occational person asking for another drink. Parvis was on his 7th on vodka and still going strong, while Lewis passed out on his 4th of whisky. "Another." Parvis asked, slamming the cup on the counter. I walked over. "Parvis, I think you had enough." I said to him. "Just one more..." He said to me, odveously drunk. "You said that two shots ago, please leave." I said calmly to him. He angryly stomped out of the Captive Creeper, slaming the door shut when he left. I sighed. I guess no one wants to stay sober. Oh Sjin, how will we ever get through this?

Shorter! Sorry! Next part soon! Have a fab day!


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