Chapter 8 (Forgoten friend)

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RYTHIANS POV (A/N: bet you didn't see that coming X) )

I heard a lould band on my door. "Oh, you two." I said, angry that they almost broke my door. "I think Sijns lost his memory." Sips said to me. Sijn just glared at me. He looked like he was going to pull out a weapon, but was suprised when there was none. "What do you mean?" I asked while still staring at Sijn making sure he didn't do anything stupid.  " I mean, he lost his memory." He repeated. Well I know that. "He remembered me but forgot ever meeting our friend." Sips said. "Who?" I asked, though I had a pretty good idea. "Hi Sips!" Zoe said as she walked into the room. "Hi Zoey." Sips relpied politely. "Jeez why so formal?" She said as she gave him a huge hug. I gritted my teeth. What?! No, I cant be jelly... Am I? She let go of him and asked him what they where doing here. "We wanted to see if Rythian could help us." He said. "Why what happened?" She asked. "He just doesn't remember some stuff. I think Duncan had something to do with it." He said. I cringed at the name. "What? Why do you think Duncan would do that?" She asked him, but all he did was shrugged. "Well, where is he?" She asked. He franticly looked around, then he took a relived sigh ad he saw in another room. "Can you help?" He asks as he looks at me. Can I help? "I guess." I lead him and Sijn into a room full of potions. As search around for a correct potion. "Aha!" I say outlould and I had Sips the bottle. He gives it to Sijn. He looks at it like it was poison, then he slowly drank it. Did it work?... I started to second guess myself when he spoke. "W-


I slept for a while, but I woke up when I heard foot steps. "Its time Abtainian~" Duncan said merrly. I sat up. He unlocked me from my cell. I was ready, ready for my death. He lead me into a almost empty room. I sat on a shiny chair, I learned it was called. Duncan straped me in and I closed my eyes as I heard whirling around me. I felt a sharp pain in my side as something was injected. Imagine the worst pain (A/N: comment what it was) now divide that by 5, add 23, subract 5, and multiply that by 68, that's the pain I feel. I black out even though I knew that it was it. I am dead.

DUNCANS POV (A/N: now we see that assholes pov...(I have nothing agenst the real duncan btw) )

I watch as I inject all of the Enders essince I own into her body. This should be interesting. As see her pass out but quickly wake up. Well she seems different. She looks at me with her now two purple eyes. She teleports out of the chair and walks up to me. I stumble backwards. Her purple cat ears are pointing upwards on the top her head. He tail is moving slowly behind her. She looks me in the face, her scarf still covering her mouth. She would let me do anything, but take her scarf off. I raise my head to meet her eyes. Her face in now completly covered in purplish-black vains. A huge scar covered her left eye. Where did that come from? She nods to herself. She smile manicly before pushing her hand into my sholder. I screamed in pain.

'ABTAINANS' POV (A/N: note the quotes)

I opened my eyes. I looked around to see Duncan. KILL HIM. Why? THEY ALL NEED TO DIE, SEE THEIR BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS.  I walk teleport closer to him. But why? THEY TOOK YOU, SCARRED YOU FOR LIFE AND ALMOST MURDERED YOU. SO YOU NEED TO MURDER THEM FIRST. I nod. I give a wide smile on my face as I unsheath my claws (A/N: Is that the correct word? Screw it, I don't care) and push them into his left sholder. I looked at my hands. I smiled at the sight of his blood. He deserved it. Yes, he did. I stabed him again. My giggles turned into a manic laughter. I watched him bleed for a while. Then he passed out. "Boring~" Lets go find more people to kill. I nod my head in approval at the invisible and walk out leaving him to bleed to death. I walked out. Taste the blood of your enemys. Ok... I lowered my scarf and licked the blood. It tasted tasted sweet. Like a purple, round apple I tryed once. I licked more. I stoped when I wasn't thirsty anymore. (A/N: 1. Takes blood thirsty to a whole nother level. 2. Well that esclated quickly.3. <-- face and the fruit she talked about was plums.) I walked to Sipsco. Sadly no one was there. How about that 'Rythians' place? My anger boiled as I thought of him kicking me out. He kicked me out for being a monster? I will show him a true monster. Yes, we will. I begain teleporting to his castle. I knocked at the door. Sips opened up. He abandoned you when you needed him most. He wanted you to get taken, he wanted you to die! My anger boiled over as the voice said words of truth. "Abtainian! Y-you have cat ears! And your eyes are a diffrent color!" He said. No shitaki I stuck my claw into his chest, just missing his heart. Why are you not killing him? I want to make sure he suffers before his death. I felt a smile creep on my face as he screamed for help. Four people come down, three of them I reconized, one was a dinosaur. What the hell? "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Sijn yelled, he looked at me and at the blood on my hands. I was already halfway licking them clean. His blood tasted fresh, like the smell of good dirt. He looked at me, horrified as he realized what I had done. I turned to Rythian, who also looked scared, but he had a hint of understanding in his eyes. That just got me angrier. Get him, he diserves it, they all do. He kicked you out because you where different. I charge at him. He pulls out a dark purple sword. He trys to hit me, but fails. Meanwhile Sijn is next to Sips body crying. Repeating the frase, "Why?". Zoeys trying to help Sips. She is odveously crying too. Rythian looks at her sadly and contiues fighting me. So that's his weakness. I let out a small chuckle and run up to Zoey. She could have helped convice Rythian to let you be sheltered, but she turned her back on you. I stabed her in the back, she let out a few high pitch screams as she realized what I had done. "NO!! ZOEY!!" Rythian ran upto Zoey and caught her before she fell to the ground. He started to cry while saying that it was all his fault. Sijn looked at her and cried harder. This is the havic that we need to cause, make everyone who did you wrong suffer. I noded my head while smiling at the work I had done. But that was interupted when the dinosaur chared at me. he scratch me with his claws but I easly knocked him out. I stabbed Rythians back. He let out a cry of pain before he hunched over. His blood tasted weird, I didn't like the taste. Last but not least Sijn, he... The voiced stoped. He what? What did he do to me? ... What ever! I'll kill he anyway. I slowly walked up to him allowing a smile to go on my lips as blood dripped from my hand. He backed away till he hit a wall. I raised my hand up to strick him. He closed his eyes, waiting for pain. My hand stoped inches away from his neck. I tried to move it forward but I couldn't. Something was holding me back. What are you waiting for?! KILL HIM! "I-I can't" I said alould. What do you mean you can't? I have a strange feeling about him, and I can't move my arm. Sijn looked shocked, scared and confused. I thought you where a worthy host. What? Then I was knocked out by soneone.

Hi! Long chapter for you! *cricket chirps* ... I most likly make another chapter, but don't get you hopes up yet! Have fun my beautiful derps

               ~ Silver

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