Chapter 26 (The letter pt.1)

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"What did you just do?!" I yelled at Sips. He turned to me. "I did what I had too." He replied too proudly. "Are you serious?!  You might as well just dig us a fucking grave!!" I yelled. "I didn-"."What. What do you possibly have to say?!" I inturupted him. "Sor-"."Don't aplogise to me. Apolgise to them. The innocent you helped kill.". I pointed to the now roiting crowds of people, of friends, of Yogscast. "Wasn't she your friend?" He counter acted. "S-she is-...She changed for the worst. Now I fear that I can't help her."...We faced back the roits.



I had a black eye and brused arm because of the huge riot that took place, not too bad injurys, I had worse when I tried take 'Porky' from Simon. But now me and Simon where home, safe, and sound. "Get the mail." I told Simon. "You get." He replied, turning the page of the latest edition of 'Jaffas and Corgies in harmony ', I swear that it's a weird fetish of his. "Fine." I quickly said to get out of that awkward situation. I opened the door and grabbed a golden envolope that was lying on the doormatt. I knew what this was for, and I dreaded at what would be inside. I opened the envolope, revealing a long folded up paper. At the end of the paper, a silver knife was dangling by a golden ribbon. "Simon. Its here.".


Little did Lewis know, that all around Tekkit, everyone was getting a identical envolope, letter, and knife. The same, twisted, note.

Hello Yogscast and boys and girls of all ages. If you get this, that means a game is coming up. And you all have to play. This game is a fun little game of Last Man Breathing. Chests will be stationed through out the arena, containing food, armor, and wepondry ext. Traps will also be placed through out the arena, to make thing 'Interesting'.

Rules: 1.No hiding from other players. 2.No magic and power use (All magic and powers will temperatraly removed untill the end of the game.). 3.Trying to escape is prohibited.

Consicquences for breaking rules/Not playing the games: Death.

Teams and Allies: No more than 4 people can be on teams together and Allies are not limited, though it is recomended to have no Allies or teams.
If in the occation, that your Ally/Allies are the only person/people left. You will be forced to kill them. Last one left wins. Any resistance ultimately leads to death of rebeliant player/players. Only one can win. If no one wins, then all get the punishment.

Rewards and punishments: The winner of the game gets to skip the next game, but, they are entered into the game after that. After the games are over, dead players will be brought back, but not without a punishment. Punishment varvy per person.

I am watching the movements of players, anyone suspectected of cheating is punishable by death. Anyone who refuses to kill or die is punishable by death. Not signing this notation is punishable by death. Sneaking your own wepons into the arena is punishable by death.  Murder and suicide are encuraged.

So, are you ready to play?


Minty fainted a quarter of the way through the letter. Zoey hugged to her knees crying when Rythian vowed that he would make Zoey live last, while Teep tried to comfort her. Hannah was on Owl Island, saying a tearful goodbye to her feathered friends. Abtainian thought of battle plans and who the weakest link was, while the voice inside her head mocked her. Parvis forced himself to smile through the painful tears. Dave set the letter on fire before he even read it .Toby and Marytin argued on witch one of them should live last, Marytin voted Toby, Toby voted Marytin. Duncan nearly drank himself to death, Kim cried over his passed out body. Sips was lying on the bathroom floor, bleeding from both wrists, the now bloody knife tied to the paper by the golden ribbon, beside him. Nelsey searched aimlessly around Sipsco for Sips, worring for Sips mental health, hoping that the worst didn't happen. Hats films kept rereading the letter, memorizing the rules, and looking for loopholes, but none was found.  Simon calmed himself down by eating all the pork and jaffas he could find, while staring at cute pictures of corgies in people clothes. Lewis, on the other hand, represented all of Yogscast and signed the letter, agreeing to the deal, in fear that everyone would die if he didn't, he carved his name in the thick paper with the knife, though he did wonder how a girl could have the power to do such a thing. Ridge sat on his bed, poundering on how he could get his friend and former master her sanity back. While Ridges master, started coughing up blood in the bathroom, laughing hystaricly, but passing out on the floor due to the never ending sharp pain in her head.

  Pt 2 soon.


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