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Sage's POV

Christen stayed for two weeks and left a couple days after Mom went to court for the divorce. Christen and I sat right behind mom during the divorce proceedings. It was pretty much cut and dry so Mom wasn't shocked with anything at all which was good. I'm really glad Christen was there for Mom, because there were some days when I tried to be strong but couldn't, so she would take Mom out for a little bit while I calmed down so Mom didn't see me cry. She didn't need that stress in here life at that point in time.

I think Christen has feelings for Mom because I caught her staring at mom a lot, but I never said anything, and I also saw them cuddling a few times when they thought they were alone. I wouldn't mind if they started dating after Mom has some time to herself. Christen would treat her the way she deserved to be treated.

A couple of days before we left I took Mom on a day out where it was just her and I doing things we like so we got mani-pedi's, a little shopping, a movie, and then dinner. Today Mom and I are going back to National team camp. I think Jill knows how much we need each other so she said I am always welcome at camp which I'm very grateful for.

The plane ride to New Orleans was uneventful thankfully. The airport had security with Mom and I. I guess they didn't want a mob happening in the middle of an airport. They also put us in a separate waiting area until we boarded the plane, so the airport inadvertently saved me from having another panic attack.

Once everyone arrived there was a team meeting that went over everything that would be going on in this camp and got our room assignments. Mom and I are rooming with Alex which is cool. She's really fun to be around.

After everyone is settled in their rooms the team had easy training since the season ended a couple of weeks before camp for some players so Jill decided to have a fun session just to get them back into the swing of things. I decided that since I was all caught up with my work I would bring my laptop and mess around on Logic Pro making music, which is another hobby of mine. I love to sing too and I would sing along to the music I make, but I don't like people listening to me sing. Maybe some day in the future I will.

I was so invested in making music that I lost track of time and forgot the team was practicing. I was pulled out of my concentration on music when Lindsey came and sat next to me

"Hey Lindsey." I say smiling at her

She smiles back. "Hey Sage." She points to the screen. "What's that?"

"It's a music producing program called Logic Pro."

"You make music?"

"I try to. Nobody has ever used on of my beats, but it's a good stress reliever."

"Thats cool." The rest of the team is now sitting around us taking of their gear. "Could you show us one of the things you created?"

I look around at all the girls faces and they are looking at me expectantly. I guess they want to hear as well. I fake a smile. "Of course. Oh actually one of my beats did get picked up and made into a song so I will play that one for you if thats okay with everyone."

"Whatever you are comfortable with Sage." Emily says and smiles. I smile back at her and get out my portable speaker so that everyone can hear.

"Ok here it is. I won't tell you what song it was made into you'll just have to guess."

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