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Sage's POV

Dinner was fun. The staff had a local restaurant cater the food. I guess because it was team bonding night, but I wasn't complaining because they brought in Italian and it was fantastic. I sat with Mal and her group. We caught up on how her day was since I didn't really talk to her today because I wanted to be by Mom after my little episode. Then we just talked about stuff with the rest of the people at her table until everyone got up to go get stuff they needed for team bonding night in Mom and I's room.

Once the team arrived I sat in-between Alex and Ash. After I sit down I grab Alex's hand and intertwined our fingers and Alex smiled at me and doesn't say anything since she understands what I'm trying to avoid. Mom sits in-between Christen and Alyssa. The team starts playing truth or dare and I kinda zone out until I hear my name being called.

"Pinoe's turn now." Someone says.

"OK.... Sage Truth or dare"


"Ok what is your biggest fear?"

"Probably big crowds because they cause panic attacks." As soon as I say that room gets dead quiet. Now they probably think I'm a weirdo. For fuck's sake.

Moe speaks up "If you don't mind me asking what do your panic attacks look like?"

"Um well Ash, Ali, and Mom have seen me have the big one, but basically I freeze to one spot and can't move no matter how hard I try and then I just start looking around which is my way of trying to get someone's attention so they can help me because I can't speak and my breathing gets really rapid and heavy. And as Mom helped me find out the only way for it to stop without it lasting for hours is for me to either be held or hug someone and for me to listen to their heart beat and sync my breathing with their heartbeat."

"Are you uncomfortable now."Julie asked tentatively.

"No because I'm holding Alex's hand" I hold up her hand. "Which is what I do in large crowds to avoid having a panic attacks, so fair warning I might grab someones hand if theres a large crowd and I start panicking. And right now i'm not uncomfortable around you guys i'd just rather be safe than have y'all see me having an attack which nobody wants to see."

"Ok you ask now Sage", Alex says

"Alex you can ask" I say.

"Ok Mal Truth or dare?"


"Who are you crushing on?"


"I dare you to Answer your truth"

"Fine... I like Sage" Mal says then takes a drink of water

I smirk. "Want to go on another date then?"

Mal chokes on her drink while everyone else in the room is shocked. I guess only Ali, Christen, Alex, Tobin, Ash, and Mom knew about our first date.

"Wait another date?" Kelley asks.

"Yeah we went on one in North Carolina" I say.

"When?" Mal ask.

"Tomorrow. I will pick you up at 7 and just dress comfortably"

"Its a date " She says with a smile.

"Ok I want to ask next" Kling pipes up.

I see Kling looking around the room trying to pick her next victim. Her eyes land on me and she has an evil grin on her face and I know she is going to dare me to do something ridiculous, but I won't give her that satisfaction

"Sage truth or dare?"


She sighs. "Ok well tell us more about you. What's something we don't know about you?"

"I speak 3 different languages."

"Which languages and why do you know them?"

"Well English for obvious reasons, French because of college, and Icelandic because I want to be able to speak my mind without getting in trouble"

"Can you say something in French" Ali asks

"Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir which means It is better to prevent than to heal"

" Wow okay um can you say something in Icelandic for us" Ali asks

" Okay Ali just for you I will say something umm.... Þú ert sterk og fallegar konur"

"So what does that mean" She asks

"It means You are a strong and beautiful women." Ali smiles and blushes.

"Hey don't be hitting on my girlfriend" Ash says and playfully hits my arm

"I'm not. I'm just telling her what I think of her and really what I think of everyone here"

Everyone coo's and Alex pulls me into a hug.

"Well that was beautiful. Could you teach us some words?" Moe ask

"Sometime I will yes. But right now I'm tired, I have a date to plan for, and you all have training tomorrow so how bout we go to bed?" and by saying that everyone groans and starts to file out of the room and after everyone has left and Mom and I have done our nightly routine we both hop into bed and I snuggle up into her listening to her heartbeat and nodding off to sleep. 

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