Chapter 1

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I sat at the back of the camp van, watching as the buildings passed by. I watched as people walked down the street as if nothing happened. All I saw was how normal New York can be.

Being a demigod, I know it's a lie. Monsters roamed the streets of New York. A thick layer of mist masks the trouble, making Mortals see lies.

Right now, I wasn't looking for trouble, well more trouble than I useally find. I left camp, in a slight rush. The summer was over, and it was time for a new school year.

Though the school year was not what I was looking forward to.

After all the recent events I was looking forward to returning to moms apartment.

I had things I wanted to get away from. In camp, after the battle in the labyrinth, the fact that innocent lives were lost, ones that could've be saved, is a burden on my shoulder.

I was excited to see mom again. I did Iris Message her at times, but I never left camp. It felt wrong to leave after people died fighting, a battle where I was in the middle. I stayed  to support camp, and to show my respect for the fallen.

Seeing the camp burial shrouds be used on the bodies is something I never would want to witness again. Once a happy camp turned into a sad get together. We all stood together, and attended the burial. It broke my heart to see my friends in tears.

The guilt of not saving those lives, rested on my shoulders and I couldn't wait to leave camp.

Now I finally left, and was able to take a breath of fresh air. I couldn't see the roaring fire that the camp has, nor could I see the fields in which the burial was performed.

I watched as we passed more and more buildings. It was satisfying seeing something different, more brighter.

I was dropped off at a local park and I thanked Argus before he left.

I watched as kids played as if nothing is wrong. So innocent, so happy. This was rare to spot in a demigod, probably because we aren't as innocent. We know of dangers that lurk in the shadows.

I stopped staring at the kids when they saw me and began walking to moms apartment.

I wondered how mom would react to seeing me. I told her through the Iris Messages what happened, and that I'm fine. Though every time we talked she looked irritated, and there was a hint of worry and sadness in her voice. I told her that I couldn't come home just yet and how her face saddened broke my heart.

Now I finally could see her and I was beyond excited to see her smile. When I turned at the next block, I saw sirens and news cars. I didn't know what to think of them therefore I just kept my head down and kept waking.

As I started to get closer to the scene I realized it was mom's apartment building that was surrounded. I started to tear through the crowd, calling her, and people just stared at me.

News reporters began pointing their mic at me, but I shoved that out of the way. There was only one thing on my mind, mom.

Soon when I realized she wasn't in the crowd, I look up to see her apartment covered with yellow police tape. How did I not notice that?

Panic rose in me as I pushed myself towards the apartment. There was another circle of police tape by the entry. I ducked under it, and began running up the stairs.

I did iris message mom yesterday that I'll be coming home yesterday, so she wouldn't flee the scene.

I heard shouts from below, police officers probably telling me to come down. All I wanted to know was where was my mom.

I reached her apartment, and found more police tape over the doorway. Where was the door? I saw the door hinges, and shards of wood sticking out in weird shapes.

Seeing the yellow tape everywhere, was getting on my nerves. All I wanted to know is what happened. Where's mom.

Is she hurt, no. Don't think bad. Being a demigod, we tend to avoid thinking of bad situations.

I went under the police tape again, and then stood in a mess. Normally this would be the living room, but whatever came here redecorated.

It looked like a tornado occurred. And when I squinted things changed a bit. Mist.

Fear flooded me as I surveyed the situation. Completely ignoring the fact I was being watched.

Then I heard the floor creak behind me. I turn to see an officer with a saddened face.

My mind began making up situations of what could've happened. I felt a lump in my throat as I stared at the officer.

"You must be Percy Jackson" the officer said calmly.

"Yes" I replied. I was tempted to pull out riptide, but then shook off the feeling. He called me Percy not Perseus.

"Where's my mom" I asked. The officer looked slightly intimidated. I probably looked murderous, and I didn't plan on changing my face.

He seemed to become speechless. I slightly relaxed my face, and asked again. "Where's my mom."

"Follow me" He said as he turned and began to walk away.

I grabbed his arm and stopped him. "Where's Sally Jackson" I asked again.

Fear flooded me more each time I had to repeat my question. He was hiding something about mom. I felt each heart beat now.

"Come with me, I'll tell you what happened." The officer said again.

Another wave of fear went through me. Why did he keep avoiding the question?

I then let go of his hand and finally followed. I felt all the eyes of the officers at the scene on my back.

The news reporters parted as the officer lead me to his police car. Wait was I under arrest. No, I'd be handcuffed if that.

Did I blow something up. I took a step back and looked the officer in his eyes. "Where are you taking me?"

"I'll explain when we get to the station" He said.

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