Chapter 4

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"Don't worry sweetie, just open your mouth. It won't hurt." She Said.

I shook my head and tried to stop her from collecting the sample, but she then pushed the cotton swab into my mouth. Then the officer let go.

I was lost for words. I was frightened. I could be the reason the whole demigod race could be revealed. I just had to come here. Why couldn't I just stay at camp?

There was nothing I could've done now. The sample was collected. I kept my head down. Why. Why me.

I then walked out of the office, ignoring the calls from the officer. That wasn't fair. If I didn't want to be tested then why force me. Wouldn't they have records to check? Couldn't they just ask me?

I sat down outside the office on the ground. I put my head down and put my hands on my face. Dammit, why do I have to be this stupid.

I felt tears begin to form around my eyes. Dad mentioned a hero's fate isn't an easy one. I didn't expect it to be this bad.

Now I was going to be the biggest looser in camp. I couldn't stop the police from getting a DNA sample. Like I said the biggest looser.

Ugh why. Why me. I kept asking myself that now.

How would they react when they found half the DNA missing. Would they send me to some lab to be tested some more. I shivered at the thought of that.

Possibly I could call Grover to come get me. I did keep drachmas on me. And my backpack was still with me. Though he's probably busy with Juniper.

I kept sitting outside the office while waiting for the results. I didn't want to leave the station, they'd just think I was crazy, and I'd have to worry about the police for the rest of my life.

Soon my hands were filled with tears, and I didn't want to think of how I looked right now.

Then I heard someone walk towards me. I buried my face more into my hands and let the last of the tears spill out. The thing is, they wouldn't stop coming.

I then thought of Rachel. She could help me out of here. I could ask the officer to call her. She was good at making up stories. No. But I was planning on running away at some point. They'd just question and annoy her.

Though I think I'll avoid that option for now.

"Percy, can you come back in? We got the results." An officer asked calmly.

"Only if you leave the door to the office open." I said. I felt really betrayed by the police, and I wanted a way to escape. I probably already screwed up badly.

"Okay." He said.

I then got up and slowly made my way back in. I didn't keep my head up, not wanting to show them I was crying. But I doubt that that hid it.

Once I got in I sat down in the chair again. I pulled the bottom of my shirt and wiped my tears.

"Tissue?" Asked thee officer behind the desk. I shook my head.

"So we didn't find much about your dad's side, but we found a match on your mother's side." He explained as he pressed buttons on his laptop. "We couldn't believe it but we found half your DNA matching with Bruce Wayne's."

Bruce Wayne. I was sure I heard that name somewhere. "Where does he live?" I asked.

The officer lifted his head and looked directly at Percy. "Bruce Wayne, multibillionaire, Do you not know of him?"

"Not really" I replied. I wasn't really understanding what he was saying. Multibillionaire?

"Bruce Wayne is an multibillionaire in Gotham. We've contacted him, and he is on his way to pick you up." He said calmly. The pity in his voice from earlier had disappeared. Now he was excited.

I kept my head down. I didn't want to go live someplace else. I had a place in camp. I didn't want to endanger anyone else.

What should I do? If I run away I'll probably worry my moms brother? I did want to meet him, but I didn't want to endanger or worry him.

Probably I can run away before things get weird. Maybe I can meet this relative, then run away. They'll worry but it's for the best.

I sat there with my head down, getting impatient. Where are they?

"Hi I'm Bruce Wayne? Here to pick up Percy Jackson" He called into the office.

The officers face brightened up. It looks like he forgot my mother just died. Great. A fanboy.

"Mr Wayne this is Percy Jackson" the officer said gesturing towards me. I wasn't in the bright and cheerful mood right now. I wanted to meet him but not like this.

I stood up and saw that he was well built, and was wearing a suit. "Hi" I mumbled.

"Hello" He said as he took out his hand. I grabbed it. "I'm Bruce Wayne."

"Percy Jackson" I said. Then I went back to the chair, and kept my head low. I couldn't face a new relative, not while looking so miserable.

He then sat down and began doing some paperwork. I didn't know what to think of him. He seemed cool, but I would end up ruining his life. Honestly it would've been better if he stayed at camp. Could've trained.

"So Mr Wayne, recently the boys mother and boyfriend were murdered. After we took a DNA test we found a 50% match to you. We believe you are related to Percy through his mother Sally Jackson." The officer explained. He no longer sounded sad, he had glee in his voice. This day can't get better.

"So I have a sister that recently died, and she has a son." Bruce repeated.

"Yes as it seems" The officer said. I could tell in his voice he was trying really hard not to sound too excited.

"I don't think that's a coincidence" said Bruce. Will he not adopt me?

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