Chapter 15

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•Happy New Years•

I gave him my hand and we shook. "That was fun" I said.

"Yeah" He replied.

"Can we go on the trampoline set?" Asked Wally.

"Sure" I say as I go jump into the foam pit. I start throwing cubes at Roy, Wally and Dick.

Roy just dodged it, but he didn't expect Dick and Wally to aim at him.

Soon it was an all out foam cube fight. I had a bit of a struggle getting Wally, he kept moving. Fast. He kept running around the place.

Then Dick joined me in the foam pit. "Hey wait up" called Wally as he joined as well.

Now it was 3 on 1. Roy was left standing as we all threw cubes at him. He stopped blocking them at some points too. Then there was a mess.

I climbed out of the almost empty foam pit and gave Dick and Wally a hand.

Before he could help them, he got a foam cube to his chest and it knocked him into the trampoline.

"I surrender" I yell out. I got up and helped Dick and Wally out, and right after they both were out 3 more foam cubes came out way.

Somehow Wally dodged it, but we got caught. Then the foam cubes got tossed over, over me and Dick.

Wally betrayed us and joined Roy, and they both kept the foam cubes coming at a quick rate. Barley giving me and Dick time to get up. And since it was a trampoline, it was hard getting up.

In the end me and Dick surrendered and quickly tossed the cubes into the pit. Wouldn't want to give Alfred a heart attack.

Surprisingly I had to surrender. With my water abilities I could easily make my way out, but that'd risk exposure to them.

I then went over and grabbed a water bottle. I was tempted to just pour it over myself, but I resisted the urge.

After I drank the water I felt ready for another fight. Though I guess I was ready to call it a night.

Apparently tomorrow I had school, which I had to go. And there's a uniform.

I got bored fast and I noticed that the 3 of them disappeared. Guess I'm not that fun.

I made my way into the shower in my bathroom and then into bed. I stared at the ceiling and got bored.

I didn't want to bother Dick and his friends so I decided to try again with the TV.

Surprisingly I'm getting the hang of it.

So there's the turn on button in the corner, and then there's the number buttons which leads to the different channels.

There's still a lot more buttons though. I turn the TV on to find the news on. Cool.

Why is it cool, because I see my face. I was tempted to turn it off, but I was curious what they had to say.

A lady appeared with a mic. My picture beside her. "Percy Jackson was spotted leaving the police station earlier this week with Bruce Wayne. Is Bruce Wayne covering for Percy's terriost activities?" Me a terriost?

"Young Percy Jackson has been spotted in illegal activities, and after there was evidence pointing towards a muscular, biker." It was annoying hearing this, but I couldn't come to turning it off. "Though what if, those situation was caused by young Percy?" Am I that young?

"Recently Sally Jackson was killed, leaving Percy an orphan. He was taken by the Police and later came out with Bruce Wayne. Why did Bruce Wayne come all the way to New York?" She paused. "Stay there, we'll tell you our theory after the commercial break."

And then some weird stuff came on. What could mortals come up with? I felt a bit of fear build up. If my uncles famous, and I start off like this, my life could be ruined from the start.

"Continuing from earlier on, Percy Jackson has been moved by Bruce Wayne himself."

"Why has Bruce Wayne taken Percy Jackson?" The reporter said. I had a feeling this cannot be good.

"Hello" I turned to see Alfred. I swear he's a ninja. I didn't even hear him coming.

"Hi" I replied. "The news is interesting."

"They tend to make theories that don't even make sense, I suggest you watch something else." He said.

"I don't even know how to work the TV" I said.

He walked over to me and began pointing out buttons. "I have dyslexia." I said. "The numbers are all over the place."

"I'll ask Master Bruce or Master Dick to make you one that you can read." He said. "I've made cookies in the kitchen, would you like some?"

I quickly jumped up. I think I said yes before running to the kitchen. This time I didn't even get lost.

I immediately looked around to see a pile on a cake stand. I started eating some. They were really good, but they weren't the same as mom's.

Then Alfred came in. "Would you like some milk as well?"

"Yes, thanks. This means a lot. Mom always made cookies, I grew up eating hers." I said between mouthfuls.

He smiled. "Master Dick also likes my cookies, he seemed to have disappeared with Master Roy and Wallace though."

"I was hanging out with them earlier, they disappeared all of a sudden though." I replied.

Then I got an idea. "Can you make the cookies blue?"

"If you don't mind me asking, why?" Said Alfred.

"Mom always made the food blue whenever she could." I said.

"We don't have the colouring right now, I'll pick it up tomorrow." He said.

Soon the plate was clear. "Thanks Alfred." I said.

"No Problem Master Percy, I suggest you get some sleep, you have school tomorrow." He said.

I nodded and made my way into my room and into bed. I thought over today. Roy and Wally were cool, but still it wasn't the same. Then I dreamed.

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