Chapter 8

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I swung myself to the other side gracefully. Not as well as Dick, but hey I tried. And being my second time trying this, I'm pretty proud of myself.

I then swung again to the middle platform and instead of going into it, I jumped to the next swinging bar.

For a split second I felt different. I felt free. Is this how it felt for Blackjack when flying?

Then I reached out and- I felt my fingers slip on the handle. Great.

"Percy" Dick called.

I then fell into some netting. It was slightly bouncy, and luckliy caught me. "I'm fine" I called back. Guess I wasn't going to die.

I then saw Dick jump down and land in front of me. "There's also some trampolines" he said smirking. The surprises never end.

"Where" I asked. There was so much cool equipment here I was slightly overwhelmed. The equipment here is better than camp. Maybe.

He jumped off the net and lead the way to a floor covered in different sized squares. He then jumped in the square, and it was a trampoline. Wow, so its not one of those backyard trampolines that I thought'd be.

I grabbed a square beside him and tried to copy all those tricks he was doing.

I was able to do the basic stand and sit jump, but then Dick started doing different flips. I tried to do a flip but then landed on my face. Luckily I landed in the trampoline, and nothing broke. Yet I think.

"You okay?" He asked offering his hand.

"Yeah" and I accepted. "You make it look so easy"

"Thanks. There's also a foam pit, maybe you can try there" he said.

This place kept having more and more cool stuff. He lead the way to some trampoline tracks and he showed me some flips and then he twirled into the foam pit.

"Show off" I mumbled. I then grabbed another lane and jumped off the ends into the foam pit.

It was a struggle getting out after though. I watched as my cousin also struggled. I picked up one of the blocks and threw it at him, and soon that turned into a fight. We both started racing each other, and kept throwing blocks at each other.

I ended up getting out first and then I offered Dick a hand. After we both got out Dick went to the side and grabbed a water bottle. I joined him.

Now I felt less stressed. After everything that just happened it was nice to hang out with someone. Distracting my thoughts for a while really helped clear up my head. I don't think I noticed earlier but now it doesn't feel weird.

"Thanks" I said. "It's been nice distraction from what just happened"

"No problem, man" Dick replied.

Now that I started thinking about what happened I really just had an urge to run into my room and be alone. The thing is I don't know where it is.

"Can you show me where my room is? I kinda want to- be alone. To rethink everything and try to process it" I said.

"Sure let's call Alfred, he'll tell us where it is" Dick replied. He got up and went to some buzzer by the door.

Dick pressed it. "Alfred, which room is Percy's? He asked. For some reason I found this amusing.

Alfred mentioned it's across from some other room, and it's in some wing, but I forgot. I really just wanted to be alone.

He then lead me out to some hallway, and then opened one of the doors. (There were a lot of different rooms).

When he opened the door I was shocked. The whole apartment could fit in here.

Dick then pointed to a buzzer that was the same to the one in the gym. "Just press that and It'll contact Alfred." He said.

"I'm going to go out, call him if you need anything" he said.

"Alright" I replied. Rich kids must be busy.

Once he left I tossed my backpack aside and fell onto the bed. What has my life gotten to?

My mom, the only one who was there for me, was killed. No doubt by someone serving Kronos. They shouldn't be able to track her, so he must've gotten information somewhere about her. But who? And why.

I felt rage build up within me again. I really wanted to take out my anger on something. Surprisingly nothing has bothered me here in Gotham. So far anyways.

I flipped over on the bed and cried onto the white blankets. Dad was right, the life of a demigod is hard.

I remember that night I saw him after my first quest. It was cool seeing him, but it was really aukward. He said Mom was a queen among women. She really was.

He said a Hero's Fate is Never a Happy One. I now understand what he meant. I wasn't supposed to be born in the first place. Because of me mom lost her life, because of me all this drama started.

I honestly was outraged. I needed to beat something up. I needed to release all this rage on something.

I lifted my face and noticed it was sunset. I could sneak out for a bit. I grabbed my black hoodie from my backpack and than opened the big window.

Looking down I could climb down. There was a lot of exterior decor to climb on luckily. I pat my back jean pocket to ensure Riptide was there and then proceeded to climb out the window.

Once I got out the window I realized how big the outside of the house was. When I arrived I thought the house was huge, but this garden is endless. Then I spotted a fencing going around the property.

I made my way towards the fence and began to climb it. Then I jumped over it and began making my way to the gloomy city. There has to be something there.

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