Chapter 7

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He then lead the way to the pool. I thought it'd be some basic pool, but this was next level.

This pool has a hot tub, waterfalls, it was really fancy.

Dick started climbing up the ladder to the diving board. I watched as he flipped into the water. Looks like I have a challenger.

I then went onto the diving board and did a flip with a twist into the water.

I felt as all the last of my wounds faded, being healed. I let the water wet me. I went up to the water surface and saw Dick staring at me.

"Oh it's on" He said as he climbed out the side and went up the diving board again. This time he did a double roll before hitting the water.

"See if you can beat that" he said smirking from the side.

I then climbed out of the pool and walked onto the diving board, twisting in the air, did a roll and perfectly positioned a dive before hitting the water.

I went up and wiped the water from my face to see Dick staring at me.

"Alright you win for now" he said. "The ceiling isn't high enough to do anything extra. Maybe we can go in the garden pool again sometime." He said.

"Yeah" I said as I went over to the hot tub. Honestly now I just wanted to fall asleep. I just sat there and Dick came and sat beside me.

"So where'd you learn those tricks?" Dick asked.

"I'm self taught" I said proudly. "What about you?"

"Before I was adopted by Bruce I was apart of a circus" He said. "I was apart of the Flying Graysons. My family were acrobatics."

"That's so cool" I said meaning it. People in camp came from all over the place but I don't think I've ever met someone from the circus.

Dick smiled. "Thanks" He then looked down in the water as his face saddened.

"Though one night, someone wanted to get back at Haley, the circus owner. So they loosened the trapeze string. My family was popular for their no net trick. Though that night my whole family died. I was supposed to as well, but I didn't."

So he was an orphan. Of course he was an orphan, that's why Bruce took him in. I mentally slapped myself for thinking that.

"It must've been fun growing up in a circus" I said. "I grew up in multiple different boarding school, in the end getting expelled for something stupid."

"Oh" Said Dick.

"My mom, she was everything I had. Even if she married that abusive asshole, she still cared for me." She did marry Gabe to protect me.

"Later He was reported missing though." I smiled at that thought though. She used the head I got to turn him into stone. "She then started over, found a guy she liked. Started collage again."

I noticed ripples in the water, and my face got warmer. "She got killed though so there isn't much I can do now" I said. If I had come home earlier than I could've prevented that.

"Here we all have rough lives. Bruce lost his parents, mines fell to their deaths, and your mother was killed." Dick said. "Somtimes it's sad how cruel the world can be"

"Yeah" I said. I then wiped my face and dunk my head under water, washing all the tears.

"So what else do you do around here" I asked brightening up the dark room.

"There's a trapeze set" Dick said smiling.

"I'd like to see that" I said.

"Sure let's go" Dick said as he pulled me out of the water. I'll be back to this room for sure.

He tossed me a towel and I dried myself off, and followed him back to his room.

I couldn't get over the fact of how nice this house is.

"I got some spare clothes in my backpack, but I think I left it on the couch" I said.

"Oh okay, let me quickly get changed and then we can go to the living room" Dick replied.

I nodded and followed him into his room. As he changed I looked around.

I found a framed poster in front of the bed. It was a group of acrobatics.

This must've been what Dick was talking about. His family seemed incredible.

He then came out of the closet and I quickly turned around. I followed him into the living room.

I grabbed my backpack and went into the bathroom he pointed to. I still couldn't get over how big this place was. And that only 3 people lived his was insane.

I quickly changed and left the wet clothes on the counter folded. I made sure Riptide was moved to my new pants.

I walked out and Dick told me to leave the clothes, Alfred would put them in the laundry.

He then lead the way to the acrobatics room. We passed by some game room which I would check out later.

Then we arrived to an massive gym. Ive seen glimpses of the public gyms, but this was nothing compared to that.

I stared at it in awe. I don't know how I'll get use to this life. Should I stay?

I walked over to the trapeze equipment. "Powder your hands" Dick said. I got some powder and then followed him as he climbed up.

"I'll go first. And then you follow. Don't worry about falling by the way, theres a net in the bottom." Dick explained. "Grab onto the bar, and then jump off the platform. Then when you reach the next platform, grab on with your feet"

He jumped off and swung gracefully to the other platform. Now its my turn. I followed him.

I've never felt anything like it. In camp we did have ropes to climb on and swing, but it wasn't as cool as this. I felt free while I was in the air. I think this is the closest I can get to flying. Scratch that, second closest. I have Blackjack.

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