Chapter 12

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I continued to explore the garden. Grover would love it here. Any nature lover would love it here.

Then I ended up back outside my window I think. This house has too many windows I looked up but then figured I should use the front entry.

I walked around, the long way I think and then I found some grand entry. I tried to push the door but it wouldn't open.

Then I found some doorbell. I pressed it and then heard the British Butlers voice. "Gone for a morning stroll I see, the door has been opened"

I then pushed the big doors open, and then closed them. These doors are really extra.

I then tried to find my way to the living room but instead I found some gaming room.

It has a ping pong table, a pool table, basically everything to have a good time.

I found some TV at the side and sat down. Maybe I could play a video game.

I grabbed some random remote and managed to turn on the TV but then I think it was stuck on some random channel. Then I heard the butler, again.

"Master Percy, Breakfast is ready in the dining hall" he said.

"Alright" I said before turning off the TV somehow. Then I made my way to the dining hall. I may or may not have gotten lost.

Eventually I found myself in the dining hall. I did go in a few circles before finally reaching here though. I think its going to take a while to get use to this place.

I arrived to see some fancy buttered bread ready. It had jam, and some peanut butter. Cool.

I quickly eat it, not bothering to sacrifice any. Recently the rage towards the life I was forced into, has caused this. I barley bother with sacrifices towards the gods now.

After I'm done I go find the gaming room. Because why not.

I went back to the TV and tried turning on some game. I successfully turned on the T.V. but then it was stuck on some channel. I heard some buzzing sound, and I clicked random numbers. Luckily the screen started playing some random shows. Some in another language.

Then I landed on the news. I was never that big on watching the news, because the news eventually got to me. And I created trouble, I was not interested in dealing with.

Then they displayed some image of an maniac. Some guy with white skin and green hair. I stayed on the news because this was interesting, and it wasn't about anything boring. I think.

I then watched as they talked about this "Joker" and how the batman dealt with him. Hey, Isn't it that bat guy who told me how to get back? And didn't he have a assistant? Robin I think.

Then it shows some footage about some guy called Captain Cold. Apparently he had Ice Powers. And then they showed some other ice guys who've been sent to some prison. Can't they just freeze the place and escape?

Then the British Butler came over. I didn't hear him walk over. Its like he is a ninja. A ninja butler, and I thought my life couldn't get more interesting.

"I see your watching the news" He said.

"Yeah" I said standing up. "So whats up?"

"We're going to run some errands to help get you settled" He said. "I'll be waiting with the limo outside."

"Okay" I said, while processing the fact that there's a limo, and for me. I quickly shook off the shock, and then walked made my way out. And like the butler said, limo.

I got in and stared at the inside. This was far fancier than I thought. There was another T.V.. Holy Poseidon.

I continued to explore all the cool stuff, that I got sidetracked and we arrived to someplace faster than I thought.

Alright so he opened the door, and there were a few cameras, but I quickly followed him inside. "We're getting your suit wardrobe tailored, so we need to get you measured" Alfred said.

Some guy showed up, and he seemed pretty cool. He started using a measuring tape on me. Then he asked to take my shirt off.

"No" I said.

"It's mandatory, so we can make sure everything fits well" the measuring guy said.

"Make it and I'll let you know if anything's off." I said. There's no way I'm taking off my shirt. I did not want them to see the scars.

He looked at Alfred who nodded. "Alright then"

He then questioned what type of suits he should make and Alfred told him what. I guess I don't have a say then.

Then we left, and I was glad. It felt a bit awkward. Wait I take that back. The cameras outside were even more awkward and annoying.

I clenched my fists. It felt like they all wanted to attack me. Well they were attacking with those flashes. I quickly made my way inside the limo, before I did something stupid.

I slumped into the soft leather seats, happy to be leaving the reporters behind. I don't think I'll ever get use to them.

Then I watched as we went through the city. It broke my heart to see so many homeless people. New York had some too, but not as many as this. I went up to the soda machine and got some coke, before trying to turn on the T.V.

I did manage to turn it on, but the channels wouldn't change, so I just left it. I wonder if I can get a mini fridge in my room? I could stock up on coke. And blue food dye.

Then we park in front of some building, and I walked out before Alfred could open the door. I then followed him inside. I tried to read the signs, but no luck. Dyslexia just made it next to impossible.

He then lead me to the receptionist. "Master Percy, follow this lady, she'll take you to Master Bruce" Alfred said.

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