Chapter 11

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I didn't even know what the mortals thought of that incident, or of what Rachel made up for the news. Now thinking about it I should've asked her.

"What happened?" Bruce asked.

"Some cheerleaders attacked me and a friend at this school orientation. We hid in the music room, but they found us and set the place on fire and escaped. Luckily help arrived on time" I said. Suddenly my food became more interesting. That bright orange sauce on the plate.

Luckily Bruce didn't question it anymore. "I assure you that no cheerleaders can attack you at Gotham Academy"

I didn't know what to say now. I couldn't tell a billionaire about half bloods. Even if he was my uncle. I wasn't sure if I could trust him to start. So far he seemed a bit nosy.

"I don't have the best school record either. I've been kicked out of every school I've attended. Well I managed to run away before anyone could question me on the cheerleader incident." I explained.

"I assure you Gotham Academy will accommodate to your needs. You might want to be careful though" I stopped thinking. Did he know? "Once it gets out that your related to me people will try to kidnap you" oh okay. So he's just mentioning how I could get in trouble with mortals.

The thing is trouble can find me anywhere. But so far I've learned that my uncle could be really stubborn, and once he's decided something, it's really hard to change his mind.

I was getting irritated, that he was making me do this stuff. Get a phone and go to school, this was getting on my nerves.

Then the food didn't seem that appetizing anymore. "I'm heading back to my room"

I made my way to my room, and luckily didn't get lost. Once I got back in I fell onto my bed. The comforting mattress was something I was not use to. I prefer thinner, harder mattresses.

I got up, leaving a wrinkle in the bedsheet. I walked over to the mirror and noticed how upset my face had become. The bags under my eyes grew darker and bigger.

I figured I should get some sleep. I'd help me be less tired and the bags under my eyes should decrease.

I then pulled off the bedsheets and crashed on the bed. I literally sunk into the mattress.

I then pulled off the thick comforter and grabbed a pillow and slept on the couch by the suddenly lit fireplace.

Then sleep overtook me. I dreamed of what was happening at camp. I watched the whole day. I've never missed camp this much. I left wanting to get away, and now I want to return.

Then the scene changed. It was land. And there was an army, then
I noticed Luke. Though through his eyes I could still tell he was possessed.

Then I woke up with a start. Great. Though I did feel well rested. I then looked at my windows and noticed they were closed. Though there was a red rim around them. Sunrise.

I then got up and took a quick shower. I put on my last pair of clothes in my bag, and then I noticed something glimmer in the front pocket.

Drachmas. Would they get annoyed if I called? I decided to take my chances and call Grover.

He was cuddled up on a patch of grass. "Grover" I called. It took a couple yells before he began to stir.

"Percy?" He said as he stood up.

"How's it going man?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, what about you? I felt a huge surge of sadness after you left?" He said. I completely forgot about the emphaty link.

"Mom....." I couldn't finesh the sentence.

"Oh I'm so sorry Perce, where are you now though?" He asked.

"Apparently I have an uncle in Gotham. I'm with him right now" I explained.

"That must be one fancy uncle" he said. "You should stay there, Gotham has so much going on there that Zeus protected it from monsters." Grover Said.

"Wait what?" I asked. Can't monsters roam literally everywhere?

"Yeah, you can't be attacked while being in Gotham. Many demigods don't know of it though. Being a protector I needed to know what was what" he said.

Okay so I can't blow off steam here. Though isn't there crime?

"How's camp?" I asked.

"It's less dramatic than the summer" he replied.

"My uncles making me enroll in a school, and making me get a phone" I told him. "And he's some famous guy so I can't risk telling him about us"

"Oh" was Grover's only response.

Then some explosion went off in the background and Grover said he had to go. I think I heard someone yell Travis and Conner?

I never really missed camp this much. I never took it for granted. It was a second home for me after all, I think it's my first though now.

Recent events really shook me up though, I then got out of the bathroom and by then it was morning so I decided to go on a morning stroll. I jumped out of the window and began walking around the garden.

It was cool, really fancy. I didn't know what to think of Bruce Wayne being my uncle though. A billionaire uncle, the fates must hate me. I never dreamed of such popularity. I prefer being that person at the side playing basketball.

Speaking of basketball, I found a court while being outside. Is been awhile since I've played. I think the last time was at that boarding school that got attacked by monsters at the end of the year. I'll never be the same when playing dodgeball.

I grabbed a ball from the side and shot some hoops. I didn't realize how boring it was playing by myself. When there were mortals there was some sort of computing, but now I was getting board fast.

After I shot the 5th hoop I put back the ball. Maybe Dick can play with me sometime.

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