Chapter 14

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I planned on posting yesterday but the chapter wouldn't show, idk what happened but today it showed. Had a heart attack yesterday when I saw there was nothing.

Anyways Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays! -Fangirl

I open it to find it so clean and organized. I try to find somthing blue, but there's nothing blue. Maybe if I sneak out, I could buy some blue food. Or I can just ask the butler.

I end up getting a slice of bread and some peanut butter. All this stuff was in fancy jars.

After popping the bread in the toaster I find the jam, and make a sandwich.

The Butler walks in and told me I could've asked him if I needed anything. Though in the end he didn't scold me.

Once I was done, I went to go find Dick. He never told me where his room was. Huh.

I went back to the kitchen and asked Alfred to find out he's out with friends. Guess I'm alone.

"Do you have anyone you'd like to call over?" Asked Alfred.

"Ummm" I thought who would come here. "Rachel, I have her number"

I gave him the number and he said he'd contact her and arrange a lift. Rachel was probably the best person to consult on this new life.

And I was getting lonely. Being in a new city, is weird. I just hoped Rachel will be able to come out of that boarding school for a bit.

I then head to the gaming room. I turned on the TV to find the game on. It's some racing game.

I picked up the controller and began selecting random things. The first game I adapted to the controls, and after I managed to win. Cool.

With my dyslexia it made it hard to read all the labels, so I just winged the controls.

Soon I heard some people walk in. It was Dick. "Your back early" I said.

"Just went to go pick up some friends." Dick said. He gestured towards 2 redheads behind him. "This is Wally, and Roy." He said.

I waved back "I'm Percy". Then they joined me on the couch. Dick went to the cupboard and grabbed 3 more controllers and hooked them up.

"Put it on 4 players" Dick said. I just handed him my remote. "Can't read" I told him.

He gave me his remote, and we started playing. "Your going down West" Roy Said.

"Id like to see you try" Wally replied.

Even though I thought I was good, I ended up loosing. They were good.

Everyone was so focused on the game, nobody spoke. Surprisingly Dick ended up winning.

"You hacked the game Dick" Wally said as he slumped back.

"Not this time" Dick said smirking. "He can hack the game?" I questioned.

"Yeah he does it all the time, I should've realized from the start" Wally replied.

"Let's play something else, and this time I get the main controller" Roy said.

Then Alfred walked in with a bunch of food. "That's a lot of food" Pointing our the obvious.

"Hey Alfred" greeted Wally. Roy just waved.

"Hello Master Wallace and Master Roy. The foods for everyone" Said Alfred as he placed it down. He eyed Wally for a sec. "Also your friend will be here on Saturday, she is occupied with her school at the moment"

"Okay, Thanks" I said. I turn to see Wally with his mouth wide open.

I notice it's 7 layer dip. Mom made this for Gabe all the time. I tried to once, it was amazing.

I grab a chip and take a bite. Memories flood me as I remember the taste.

"You okay Percy, your shaking" Dick says.

"I'm fine, mom use to make this all the timee...." I said. I decided not to mention Gabe.

"What game are we playing" I say. I notice Roy and Wally look away from me.

"How about Mario Party?" Roy Asked. "Never played" I replied.

"You'll like it" Wally said. Then the game started. It was a cool game. Though I felt like it could've been better.

During the game I noticed how Wally was quickly going through the dip. He ate 5 plates to himself. How is he not full. Dick and Roy didn't question it do I didn't. I'll ask Dick about it later.

I got board quickly and decided to not play anymore. "Why don't we go to the gym? I want to try the trapeze again" I said.

"We just ate, let's play some more games than go" Dick said.

"Alright" I sat down. We went through a couple more games and then we went to the gym.

I started going on the hoops. I lifted myself up and down. I got tired faster than usual. Guess I'm really out of it.

I wanted to spar, but I doubt Dick and his friends know combat.

I got off and watched in awe as Dick performed on the trapeze. His was going all out. I climb up and join him.

Obviously I don't do as well but I tried. This could come in handily for practicing jumping off heights.

Then I let go and landed myself in the net. "Anyone want to spar?" I asked. "I can teach you?"

"We know how to spar" Roy said. "Want to spar?" I asked.

I go to the ring, and toss a rod to Roy. He looks at Dick who nodd and then walks in.

I start first, and I took offence, but then Roy took it. After we exchanged it for a bit, I noticed how he was holding back.

Once I gained offence again, I started going harder. He adapted fast. We slowly began going harder on each other.

Then I sweeped his feet, but he dodged it. Then he went for my head but I blocked it.

Our rods hit each other, and then I decided to drop it and go physical. Roy noticed and also went physical. In the end I managed to get him on the ground from behind.

I then lifted my foot off his back and let him get up. He eyed Dick after who shrugged his shoulders.

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