Chapter 9

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By the time I made it to the city it was dark outside. After all the quests I've been on, it didn't scare me. Sometimes I preferred it. Hopefully it will mask my face, I think I made the News at the station.

I started walking down some crowded street looking for trouble. I kept squinting to see if the mist was hiding something but so far nothing.

I passed by some alleyway where people lined up. They were homeless. In New York there was those occasional beggars but here they lined up an hole alleyway. They turned it into their own little community. I found it amusing seeing how they set up.

I then began to feel bad. They're stuck in the gloomy town. I wanted to help, but there wasn't much I could do.

I continued to walk down the sidewalk. I noticed a lot of police cars everywhere. In New York they'd be in some places and they'd appear once in a while for the rest. There must've been a lot of crime here.

I then heard sirens and alarms go off. Maybe I could help. But I could also screw this up badly.

I ran over to the scene to see an hostage situation. Oh no.

The police had their guns raised but by the looks of it they were going to shoot. In New York they didn't shoot they only threatened. Here they mean business.

I look over to see a guy with a mask, and full backpack. Above them had a big sign that read BANK. One of the few things I could kinda read.

I pulled my hood down and began to creep over from the side. Then if things weren't weird enough, a guy dresses like a bat jumped in from behind.

He pulled the gun in the robbers hand in the air, and then pulled it out. He then dropped the money and started to run. The bat guy then shot some rope that tangled around him and the police quickly took him away.

This city just got a whole lot more interesting and confusing. And then suddenly the bat started to glare at me. I didn't want him to come after me so I just waved and walked away like it was nothing.

While walking across the streets I noticed that every allyway had some sort of way to get to the roof of the building.

In one deserted alleyway I made my way to the roof. The view was completely different. I kinda liked it better than the streets.

Here most of the buildings are shorter than the tall towers in New York. Here you can run along the rooftops whereas in New York the hight ranged a lot, thinking about it now.

I enjoyed jumping off each roof, feeling that split second over and over again.

Then I stopped. I had a pretty good view of the city from here. It didn't look as bright as New York, but it did look like a city. Gotham will take some getting use to but I think I'll get use to it. Eventually.

Wait. What was I thinking? I just ran away from my uncle. His old British butler must be worried sick. And I didn't want to start a relationship with them on bad terms. Me and Uncle Bruce barley talked. He probably will be pissed off.

I shook my head and then looked around. I think I got too carried away.

Now I was stuck in the middle of a city, when I should be at home. With a happy start to my relationship with my uncle. Why did I let my rage get in the way. I should know better.

I looked down onto the street looking for ideas. I noticed one of those police cars. Police were supposed to help people right?

I started to climb down the side of the building and then jumped off when I was close enough to the ground. I was going to walk out of the alleyway when the last person I wanted to see confronted me. Wait scratch that, probably second because Kronos is first.

"Mr Wayne called me, he told me you ran away" The bat grumbled.

"Yeah I was just heading back, but I got lost" I said. I think it may have come out a bit sarcastic. Oh well, at least he's not a god.

Then some kid in a traffic light uniform jumped into the alleyway. Another crime fighter? How screwed up is Gotham?

"This is Robin, he'll show you the way back." The deep voiced bat said before shooting some gun and zipping away. That was weird. The cops probably would've given me a ride as well.

Would they though? In peace? Or would they not believe me or would they only do it to meet my uncle.

I followed 'Robin' through the roofs. Robin kept checking on me to make sure I was following. Did he think I was some immature little kid?

I was going to turn 16 soon. Wait I was already 16, but I didn't find any good reasons to celebrate because of what happened. Because of recent events I'm falling behind on dates.

He then lead the way out of the city, and to the road to the manor. "Thanks" I replied before running back. Didn't want to worry them more than I should.

On my run back I wondered how they'd react. Hopefully I didn't give the elderly butler a heart attack.

When I ran back I wondered if I should go through the front gate or not. They already knew I wasn't in the house anyways.

I walked up to the gate, and found it locked. Of course it's locked, it's night. And this is a billionaire property. Of course it is closed.

I started to climb over the fence, when I began reaching the top, a surge of electricity flowed through the bars shocking me.

Am I locked out?

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