Chapter 19

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Once the whistle blew, I got ahead of everyone immediately. Not on purpose.

I look back to see Dick last. I know he's better than everyone.

"Good Job Percy" the teacher called.

If there was one class I was going to do well in, it might as well be gym. I quickly finished the rest of the laps, easily getting ahead of all the other students.

If I'm being honest, I'm not one to do many push ups, but still I managed to finish 20 quickly. Then I got bored. Soon the other guys were done and they were sweating. Dick then came behind them. Dick wasn't sweating.

Then we played basketball. It's been a while since I last played.

Then class was over and it was time for last period, which was my elective. But I didn't choose one.

I made my way to the office and they asked me what elective I'd like to take. There was Greek, so I choose that. And they finally gave me a backpack. That's great.

Greek was an easy course. I thought I'd learn something, but honestly I knew everything.

We were shown a bunch of Greek text, and I figured I should pretend to struggle. Showing I can only read Greek can lead to the teacher becoming suspicious. Do mortals know how to find a demigod?

Eventually we were given a project on making a poster on a god. Then school was out.

I made my way to my locker, and I prayed that the girls would be gone. And there they were, waiting for me.

"Excuse me" I said. I made my way to my locker, and then I notice all of them blushing. Last time I saw them they were just staring.

"I got to go now, um" I tried to get out of the crowd but they kept circling me.

I saw Dick and his friend Barbara, that's her name right? Anyways I looked at them. Dick was smiling, and I don't think he was going to pull me out of this.

"You seem like a player" one of the girls said.

"Thanks?" I replied. Not sure on how to take it. They probably spotted me playing basketball during lunch.

"Come over to my house, I make a mean Mac and cheese." The girl who called me a player asked.

I honestly was not interested. "I got to go back to" it felt weird saying home. I still was use to the apartment. "I got to go now."

Then the girl who called me a player, grabbed my arm and tried to get to my face, with duck lips. Wait.

I immediately pulled back. "I have a girlfriend" I said.

They all froze. So that's what they thought. Holy Poseidon this is not how I expected my first day of school to start.

"I promise I'll be better" the girl who tried kissing me said and leaned onto my chest.

I then pulled the picture of of my pocket. "This is Annabeth, and I don't plan on pissing her off. She's scary when she's pissed."

Then they all just stared at the photo. "You'd look better with a brunette" the girl who walked me to class said.

"Look, I don't want to loose this relationship with her. I won't cheat on her. I'm fine with being friends, but no, I won't date anyone." I said. Annabeth already seemed bothered about Rachel.

I then quickly closed my bag, and shoved them out of the way. "This is not how I wanted to start my first day of school." I told Dick.

He started laughing. "Some boys can only dream of what happened to you."

Then that Barbara girl smacked him on the head. "Dick!"

I started laughing then. "Lets head back to the manor. I don't want to cause more drama."

Once we left the school Alfred was waiting outside. Once we got in the car, Alfred asked me how my first day went.

Dick started laughing. "It was okay" I said.

"What happened?" Asked Alfred.

I didn't know how to explain what happened. "Why don't you ask Dick about his day?" I said.

Alfred luckily did not question my day further.

Once we got back to the Manor, I immediately went to my room. I changed into my bathing suit and went to the pool.

I needed it, honestly probably because of the girls. Had a lot to think over. I walked down the shallow end of the pool, and as I went deeper I didn't bother staying up. Its easier to think under water. The pool was new, I doubt uncle Bruce would use the pool much.

I then got bored fast. Maybe I could go check out the city again. I mean it's probably more interesting than the manor. Not that the manor was bad, it was cool, but seeing it everyday can get boring.

I then grabbed my black hoodie and after I put it on I went downstairs. I don't know what it is, but I decided to tell the butler I'm going out.

"Master Percy I don't recommend going to the city during this hour, it will not be safe." Alfred said.

"I can handle myself, I'll be back soon." I said.

"Absolutely not, you can get kidnapped. It's happened to Master Dick several times."

"Alfred I promise I'll be fine." I said.

"Absolutely not. I will not allow it." Alfred said. The look on his face said it all.

"Where's Dick?" I asked. We could play video games.

"He is out with Master Roy and Wallace." Alfred replied.

"Why does Dick get to go out but not me?" I asked.

"Because he is not alone." Alfred said.

"But I'm older, and I can take care of myself." I said. "I know how to fight, I can defend myself in the city."

"Master Percy, I will not allow it." Alfred said. His face said he wasnt changing his mind.

I'm not asking Alfred again. "I'll be in my room." I said.

I could feel Alfred's eyes on me. I wonder if Uncle Bruce chose the butler.

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