Chapter 17

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"Percy, there's formal shoes to wear with the uniform by the way." Dick said.

"Nobody asked for my shoe size yet." I said. "I'll meet you in the car."

I ran upstairs and changed the shirt. Then I realized I'll need a backpack so I grabbed the backpack I brought from camp. It's a random one I've had for a while. I emptied my clothes and kept a bit of ambrosia and a picture of Annabeth.

On my way down I almost fell down the stairs as I tried to reach my arms on the stair railings, but the suit top got in the way. Luckily I was able to catch on the bottom of the railings.

I then made my way to the front doors to find a pair of fancy shoes waiting. Luckily the shoes fit. Perfectly.

I then got into the car and watched as we left the house.

"Excited?" Asked Dick.

I realized there was a odd feeling in my stomach. "I guess. I always manage to get in trouble without intending to."

"Did you bring your phone?" Dick asked.

"I forgot where I left it" I replied. A phone was the last thing I was bringing today.

"Also you get a backpack from the school. That's the one your supposed to use." Dick said. "I got it on my first day."

"So should I leave my bag in the car?" I asked.

"Yeah." Dick replied.

Soon we pulled up to the castle and I straightened up my tie and got out. I quickly moved the picture and ambrosia into my pocket. Being a demigod you can never be too careful.

I followed Dick into the school and he lead me into the main office where I was given a schedule. Like the principal the office lady expected me to be able to read. Luckily Dick helped me understand the schedule.

I was able to make out the room numbers luckily and the locker numbers. Dick helped me find my locker and honestly I had nothing to put inside. I put the small bag of ambrosia inside so it wouldn't look empty.

"What's that?" Asked Dick.

I couldn't tell him it's some godly stuff. Umm. "It's a snack. Incase I get hungry."

Dick just stared at it. I quickly closed my locker before he could interrogate further.

"So let's go to your locker now." I said.

Dick lead the way through the halls. By now students started arriving. I was getting a lot of stares.

"Anything I should know about this school?" I asked.

"It's an okay school overall. Some of the teachers can be nosy, there's bullies, and be careful with who you be friends with." He said.

"This school sounds weird." I said. Dick laughed.

Then we arrived to his locker. And he put his stuff away and then he froze. "Percy go hide over there."

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Just do it Percy" Dick said. His eyes were pleading.

I went where he said to go and I peeked over at Dick. Some guys started to go up to him. Dick acted like nothing was happening. If Dick would be an after he'd be a good one.

Then suddenly one of the guys pulled Dick by his collar back. Then one of them threw a punch. I couldn't hide anymore.

"Hey assholes" I called.

"They'll hurt you" Dick said but then got a kick in his.

They started squinting at me. "Go to class scum." One of them called.

I then went for the big guy who punched Dick and gave him a punch. A good one. It wasn't too strong but it go the message to him. "You'll pay for that scum."

I wasn't scared. "Try me." I challenged them.

Then I felt someone grab my arms. "Percy don't they are not worth it."

I then sweeped the bullies feet and Dick and I left before anyone could say or do anything.

"How long has this been happening?" I asked Dick.

He was staring at the ground. "Since I started coming here. Don't tell Bruce, or Alfred. Please." Dick said.

"I won't tell them, but still Dick, you know how to fight, so why don't you defend yourself?" I asked.

"It's complicated, I like to keep an identity here. I'm just that nerd ward of Bruce Wayne's." Dick said. "I don't really like to show my circus side after my parents died."

I just nodded accepting the answer. "If they bother you again just let me know Dick. I don't want my cousin in bruises."

"Alright, I'll drop you off at your first period class, math." He said.

He dropped me off and I just sat at the back of the room bored. I pulled out Riptide and began spinning it. Luckily there were pockets in these pants.

Soon students came in and a teacher. He stared at me for a sec and then came up to me. He introduced himself and and handed me a textbook. Great.

Soon class started and I realized I did not have a pencil. And I haven't tried using Riptide as a pen so that's not a option.

I look next to me to see a girl staring at me. She has that look in her eyes. I look to the other side to see another girl staring at me. I'm glad Annabeth isn't here.

I look behind me to see some guy, I push my chair back and ask him for a pencil, and he shook his head.

I then notice one of the girls holding out a pencil. I grab it and give her a smile and nod. Hopefully she didn't take it that way.

Then I did my best to understand the lesson even though nothing made sense. Then once class ended, I figured I should ask the teacher for extra help. I asked him, and he went over everything. Still it kinda made sense.

Then when I exited the class I found a group of girls waiting for me.

•I'm not dead! I am active, though I've lost most inspiration for this book. I do entend on completing it! Please comment and vote as it gives me the motivation to keep writing!

Tysm for reading my book! It means a lot to me when someone comments or votes. I get notified and it makes my day!•

•P.S. I just made a Spiderman One Shot book. Ik ik this is a dc book, but if you like Spiderman please check it out.•

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