Chapter 10

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I should've known it wouldn't be easy to get back. It's easy to escape a billionaire property, but to go in one is harder. They tend to have a lot of outside security, like my uncles house.

Ugh now what do I do. I have a uncle who's probably freaking out, a worried cousin, and hopefully a alive butler.

I wandered for a bit, and then got bored. I can probably take another shock right? I need to get inside anyways. I decide to take another try at climbing the fence and hopefully, hopefully I'll make it over. As long as I get inside the property I'll be fine.

I start climbing the fence again to find no electric charge coming through. Funny. I thought there'd be an electric charge again.

I jumped to the bottom, and then I began to quietly make my way into the house.

Suddenly bright lights shined onto me. The sudden brightness almost blinded me. I turn my head down to recover.

Ugh I start to scramble out of the lights, until a familiar voice stopped me.

"Out late?"

I look up to see uncle Bruce with a remote in his hands. So he was controlling everything.

"Umm" I said. What should I say? "It's not what it looks like" Great going Percy, no wonder Annabeth always calls me seaweed brain.

"You left the house, without telling anyone and went adventuring in the city" he said. He sounded more annoyed than angry.

"Sorry" I replied as I lowered my head. Guess I can't go out for a while now. Though I'd expect someone to hire security. My uncle has some tech instead. Does it cover the whole property. Of course it does. He's a billionaew. How many times to I have to keep reminding myself.

"Lets go inside. You have Alfred a good scare by disappearing" He said. I was only half listening though, annoyance towards myself clogging my mind. "Luckily I called the Batman and he was able to send you home."

Is it just me who finds it amusing that my uncle is friends or allies with a guy who dresses up as a bat. And a kid who dances around?

I followed him into the house and he lead me to some dining room. No a dining hall.

I looked at it in amusement. It was so big. And it was so nicely decorated.

"Percy" I heard as I was caught in a hug. It was Dick.

I returned the hug, and I noticed he didn't make the hug too tight, like he knew I needed space.

One he let me go I joined him at the table. He acted like nothing had happened after. I expected some scolding at least. Am I not in trouble?

The elderly butler with the accent, came in and left a plate of fancy looking stuff. "Please don't do that again Master Percy, if you need fresh air please let me know." He said. He looked calm. Okay so I didn't make him have a heart attack.

During dinner Bruce scolded me a bit, but he didn't give me a punishment. Luckily he dropped the subject right after.

He started talking about how everything is going to change. The next day I was going to go with Alfred to get my size measured so I can get a suit tailored. And after that I'd hang out at Wayne Enterprises, wherever that was, and then Uncle Bruce would take me to a school to get registered.

I told him I'm not the best with schools, but he told me to ignore my record. Then came the topic of a phone.

"No" I said. That'd just endanger everyone around me, even more. Wait anything radioactive though. So by staying with my uncle I'm just endangering him.

It gave me a stern look. "This topic is not up for debate".

"I-I can't have a phone though." I blurted out. I wasn't really thinking and immediately regretted it as Bruce raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean" he asked.

Making up random stuff was easier after my first quest than right now. "I perfer having no phone in general. Mom didn't really own one, and I got use to it that way."

"What do you mean you mom didn't really have a phone?" Bruce questioned.

"They annoyed her a lot sometimes. She barely got time to herself before when running the candy store. She always wanted to rest afterwards but the phone would ruin it sometimes." Lying was getting easier and easier.

"Didn't she have an cell though? I can get you her old number." Bruce said.

"It's okay, I-" I quickly stopped myself before I made up another lie. I didn't really want to start our relationship like this. "Yeah, it's fine"

"Percy you need a phone. If you plan on leaving more often you need someway to keep in touch with us." Why won't he just dropped the topic? "Dick has been captured multiple times, and a phone helped us locate him."

Great so living with my uncle results me in more trouble, great.

I didn't really respond to my uncles decision. I didn't even agree with it, and by the look on his face he wasn't planning on changing his mind. I'll just avoid the phone. Maybe keep it dead. Yeah that works.

Then a good while of awkward silence passed. Then Dick decided to cut the tension. "Is Percy coming to Gotham Academy?"

"Yeah, I've called your headmaster and we'll be there tomorrow, we'll be done by the end of your school day so you can just come with us back." Bruce explained.

"Umm, school is not a good idea for me" I mumbled. I meant to say it louder though.

Bruce then raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I have a really bad school record, the last time I got attacked by cheerleaders before I fled." I said. At this point I wasn't even sure of what I was saying. Didn't he say earlier to ignore it?

[please comment ideas, I've gotten writers block]

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