Chapter 18

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"Hi" I say. I then look away and start to walk off.

"Hi, I'm Charisse. What's your name." Some brown haired girl asked. She stood in the way. I didn't know the way to my class anyways.

"Percy, can you show me the way to my class? I have my schedule here." I asked and pulled out my paper.

"Sure" she said and before she started showing me the way, she sent a wink to her friends.

She was cool, she kinda reminded me of Charisse. She was the complete opposite of her though.

Then she showed me to my class and I told her bye. Before I can walk in however she grabbed my hand.

I looked at her and she gave me a slip of paper. "Here's my number."

"I don't like using phones. I'll probably loose that number anyways." I said.

For a second she looked pissed and then she put on a smile. A sarcastic smile. I quickly let go of her hand and went into class.

So I never was told what class this was but by the looks of it, it was boring. And full of writing.

I look down to see a whole class staring at me. I awkwardly waved and then went to the only desk, which was by the teacher.

"Good Morning Class, today we have a new student." The teacher said in a sarcastic voice. "This is Percy Jackson."

I just sat there until a moment of silence passed and the teacher signalled me to stand up. "So Percy why don't you tell us something about yourself?" She asked.

"Hi, ummm, I like blue food." I said. Honestly I didn't know what to say. Then I sat down after the weird looks I got. I felt no guilt for saying I like blue food whatsoever.

I sat down and waited for the lesson to start. The teacher grabbed me a notebook and another textbook. I then realized I need a pencil. When the teacher gave me the books I asked her but she said no. I look at the person next to me, a red head, reminds me of Rachel, handed over a pencil to me. I mouthed a thanks and then watched as the teacher gave a boring lecture.

She called on me a couple times but I didn't know anything. She explained the parts of a essay and the main things to focus on. The whole time I tried to pay attention, but my ADHD made me distracted.

I should've brought my phone. I could've fidgeted with it. Soon class came to an end and I gave the redhead her pencil back.

"Your Dick's cousin right?" She asked. "I'm Barbara Gordon, a friend of his."

"Yeah, its my first day." I said. "Can you help me to my next class?"

She raised an eyebrow. "It's lunch."

I raised my hands in defence, "I'm dyslexic".

She nodded and she seemed really cool. "I guess I'm going to go find the cafeteria then."

"It's room 104" she told me.

"Thanks" I replied.

I walked out of the class and found that group of girls I met earlier around me. "Hi" I waved. "I got to go put my stuff away."

I started walking off, but when I looked behind me they were following me. Great. I found my locker and then they start crowding me again.

And that girl who took me to English came up to me. "Hi Percy"

"Hi" and I turned around to open my locker. Then I realized I forgot my code. And Dick only knows it, I think. Though how do I find him?

"Hey, do you know where Dick Grayson is?" I asked the girls.

They all just looked surprised. "He usually hangs out with Barbara Gordon. He's not too popular, why don't you join us?"

I shook my head. "He's the only one who knows my locker combo, and I need to put this stuff away."

"We can go to the office and I can help you open your locker." One of the girls offered.

Umm, what do I have to loose? My locker, my stuff. I should just go find Dick. Though he's probably busy. And hard to find.

"Sure, I just need to put my stuff down." I said.

That girl lead me to the office while her friends kept me entertained. They told me about the school. It was interesting and all but I didn't get the 'friends' feeling from them. They are trying to impress me.

Once we got to the office I asked the front lady to give me my locker code again. I took it from her quickly and then stuffed it in my pocket. I could figure out how to use a locker, right? Plus I don't trust those girls yet.

"Umm, So I got to head and yeah, I'll see you girls around." I said. It was really awkward. I then walked back to my locker. I luckily got it open and then after I put my stuff away I realized I am lost again.

Luckily it wasn't hard finding the cafeteria and after I got my food I sat down at some random table. There was a group of boys at the end but I didn't know any of them.

I ate, until some guy invited me to join them. It was cool, We talked and they invited me to play basketball with them outside after.

Lunch was fun overall and after I asked one of them, they lead me to my next class. Which was gym.

In my class were those people who tried beating Dick up. They kept their distance luckily. I think they got the message.

Then I see Dick enter. "Hey man" I call.

"Hey Percy" he replied.

We got changed and then class started. We started with warm ups. Run around the gym 5 times then 20 push ups. That's not bad. I mostly heard groans when it got called out.

I lost all inspiration for this book right now :(. Please comment ideas, I would like to finesh the book, but idk what to write anymore. I want them to find out Percy's secet, but at the same time not. You know? I want it to be found out later though. Cuz Percy has a human side too. You don't see him acting like the son of Poseidon around his mom. He doesn't act entitled so I want to avoid him acting like that. But I want to include his sense of humour and his skills. Not controlling water but his fighting skills.

Anyways let me know what you'd like to see.

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