Chapter 2

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I stared at the officer.

"Don't worry your not in trouble" he assured me.

The fear within me just seemed to slowly rise again as I cautiously sat into the car. I watched as he went into the drivers seat and started the car.

I felt weird. I had just arrived home to find mom's apartment in ruins. Something had defiantly happened to her, and people had sad looks when they saw me.

What if.... no. I stopped myself there. Mom is probably fine, waiting for me at the station. Perhaps she had to go there to fill out paperwork on what happened. Yeah, she's probably there.

I looked up to see some fence between me and the officer. It didn't help me relax. I felt like some criminal, being taken away.

I started to become restless. I was sitting on riptide so instead of playing with the pen, I started to tap my thigh.

I felt like some misunderstood kid all of a sudden. One who isn't trusted and is being secretly taken for trial. Though if something like that did happen, wouldn't they contact mom?

"You okay?" Asked the officer from the front. He had worry in his voice, possibly pity.

I'm probably not in trouble, if I was mom would tell me in advanced. But what is going on then.

They keep avoiding my question on mom. Why? If she was hospitalized wouldn't they tell me. What was going on.

Sitting in the back of an police cruiser didn't help me think nothing was wrong.

Soon the car pulled up in front of an station. My instincts told me to run, but I couldn't. I had to figure out what happened to mom.

I followed the officer from behind, and he kept turning to make sure. I saw worry in his face, though I decided against questioning a officer.

Soon he lead me into the station and put me in some room. It wasn't empty, like I thought it'd be. It has shelves along the walls with neatly stacked files. In front of me was a polished wood desk.

Who's office was this, why can't I see mom already? I started to tap my fingers on my lap. I was starting to get impatient.

Then some other officer walked in. I stood up and looked at him in the eyes. "Where's my mom"

"Sit down Percy, I'll explain." He said calmly. I could see the same pity in his eyes like I saw in the officer who brought me here.

I immediately sat down, wanting my answer immediately.

"Some attack happened in your mom's apartment. She and Paul were killed." He said.

No, no no. "Your lying" I said. I felt my heart skip a beat. I couldn't process what he said. I kept telling myself that they might have gone missing. Though another small part of my mind believed.

I felt tears form in my eyes. "Your lying." I said to the officer.

"Neighbours reported that there was a loud crash, and that they heard her scream. When we arrived at the scene we found their bodies." The officer said.

Percy just sat there unable to process what happened. "I need some fresh air" Percy said before walking out.

If she really was dead, Nico would know. I ignored the shouts of the officer, telling me to return. I walked out the station not looking back.

I began walking deeper into the city. I wanted some quiet place, where I could Iris Message him.

I had some strange feeling I was being followed. I looked behind me to see the officer who brought me to the station. They really were starting to get on my nerves.

I saw the officer make eye contact through the front glass and then pull up his car. He pulled down his glass.

"Can you please leave me alone, I'll return to the station later" I said.

"Sure" Said the officer before leaving me alone, I think. I started to walk towards camp, thinking over what happened. Is it true? Is she dead? I started to think negative.

Was that cop still following me? I look behind me to see a trail of water drops. I put my hand to my face to feel tears. My thoughts have been so clouded that my instincts were blurred.

I started to jog towards camp. I barley had much money for the bus, and by walking I had a bigger chance to get into trouble.

Soon I reached Camp, and I noticed it was sunset. I noticed as the warm tones the sun created began to make the blue skies fade. I look behind me to see no one, and then I run into the trees. I wasn't looking for attention, I just needed some privacy.

I sneak into camp, and then into my cabin. I hoped the harpies weren't cleaning. I didn't want to find out if the harpies ate the campers or not. You never knew for sure with Mr. D.

I arrived at my cabin, and luckily it was deserted. I quickly slowly closed the door, not wanting to cause a creek, and then I closed all the windows, except one. I closed all the ones where the campers could spot me, and I opened one that faced the lake and forest for sunlight.

I then summoned some water and created a mist in the sunlight. I asked Iris to show me Nico and then I put in the drachma.

I became worried it wouldn't work because it was turning dark, but then the worry melted away as the drachma disappeared.

There came an image of Nico on top of a building.

"Nico" I called.

He turned around and looked surprised. I wouldn't blame him, I wouldn't contact him unless it was really important.

"Hey Percy" Nico said. And then he squinted his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Long story, can you tell me if someone's dead or not?" I asked. I was desperate for the answer.

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