Chapter 13

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Happy Holidays! 🎄⛄️❄️

Inside the elevator there were more buttons than I could count. It's still hard to process that this is my mom's birth right.

I watched as the numbers kept changing until we got to one of the top floors. The door opened and the lady went and talked behind someone else by a desk. The other lady then opened the door for me.

This was really awkward. There was a table full of people staring at me. I waved awkwardly.

"Percy, come on in" Bruce called from the end of the table. I quickly went in and stood by Bruce's side.

"This is my nephew Percy" Bruce said. "Percy this is the Wayne Enterprises council"

I waved awkwardly again, mumbling a hi.

I think Bruce realized how awkward this was getting so he told me to go sit at the side. I quickly made my way to some outdoor seating.

I sat there and put my legs on the leg rest. Some lady came and asked me what I wanted, I asked for a can of coke. She gave me a weird look before getting a coke.

I should've brought some blue food dye. I could've gotten a blue coke. Maybe it'd taste better than the one at camp.

Soon I had a bottle of coke before me. I expected a can but this is better. I could hear some arguing in the background though.

Soon after I finished the coke I got bored. I wanted another coke, but I didn't want to seem spoiled.

I then got up and I considered going back inside, but I didn't want to endure that awkward situation again.

I slumped into the soft couch thinking what have I gotten myself into. I'm slowly becoming a media target.

I sat there thinking of random thing. Like why isn't there blue coke, and why isn't there blue cookies. There's rainbow cookies normally, but no basic blue cookies.

Soon I was called back inside and my uncle took me someplace. He asked if I was okay, I just said I was bored. He then took me into some garage and told me to sit inside a fancy sports car. So he does own something other than a limo.

I sat down in the front and it was felt good to be in a fancy car. Uncle Bruce then sat in the drivers seat and turned it on.

He played with the rumbling of the engine before moving out. "We're going to Gotham Academy" he said. Oh yeah isn't that Dick's school?

"I have a terrible academic record though" I said. "It's hard to get into a school" considering I've been kicked out of every school I've been to.

"Don't worry, unlike those boarding schools, here they'll accommodate to all your needs. And with some tutors you should be fine." He said.

But school never ended well for me. And I doubt it'll be any different this year. I'm willing to try and build a new better image of myself though.

"Alright" I replied. Uncle Bruce was really stubborn though. Mom would understand and change the plans, he never changed it.

I looked out the window and watched as different scenes passed by. Dark and gloomy one sec, happy and cheery the next. Monsters could be lurking in the corners but they weren't. It was an odd feeling.

I slumped back into the comfy seat. I looked at the front and noticed how my uncle was going fast. Fast. Faster than the limit.

And he seemed good at it. He turned for every car. Surprisingly there was no police following. Was this normal around here?

Eventually we reached a fancy looking castle. Not as fancy as the mansion. I think this is the school. It looked too fancy to even be the school.

Once Bruce parked the car, we both headed inside. From the outside it looks like one of those small historical castles, and in the inside it looked like a regular school.

Scratch that, there's fancy uniforms. I'm too used to putting on whatever, to bother with a uniform.

We were welcomed by some fancy looking woman. So this is a rich people school. Great.

She lead us to some office, and made me do some tests. All I saw were floating letters and lines. And were those bubbles?

I suddenly said "I'm dyslexic".

"Oh we'll help you with that dear, for now try to fill out the page." She Said.

Did she not understand? "I literally can't even make out the words on the page" I said. "I have horrible dyslexia."

"Oh, do you need me to read it?" She asked. Her voice was slowly becoming less sweet.

"Yes" I said. She read each question out loud, I didn't know the answer to many. I got some though.

She then told Bruce how I can make the regular levels with help of tutors.

I didn't want any of this but I didn't have a choice, I just nodded, didn't want to open my big mouth.

Finally the meeting ended and the bell rung. We got stared at on our way out.

I felt myself blush as I overheard some girls. Lets not mention what they exactly said.

Bruce and I got into the car, and waited. Bruce roared the engine as a crowd began to form. Dick quickly got in and Bruce got us out of there.

Suddenly I no longer wanted to go to that school. I'm scared about the attention. I never thought I'd say it, but I perfer those boarding schools in New York.

I'm more use to it. Though now there's no going back.

"How was school?" Asked Bruce.

"Aced a Math and English test" he said. I never thought Dick was that smart, though it makes sense though.

Bruce just nodded after. Huh, I thought he'd say more. Soon we pulled up at the manor, and me and Dick immediately got out.

Now what? I was kinda hungry. I wonder what's in the fridge.

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