Chapter 20

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I go back into my room and pack a bag. I wasn't planning on coming back early. Maybe later in the night.

Then I jump out my window, and catch onto the exterior decor, or whatever Annabeth called it. But I caught onto it so I didn't hit the ground too hard. I then turn around and freeze.

It was my uncle. "Where are you going?" He asked. He looked stern.

"I was going to-" If I told him the truth, he probably would stop me. "I was going to the garden."

He raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

I gesture to my backpack. "I was going to do my homework there."

I still looked stiff and stared at me. "You were going to sneak out."

Was it that obvious. "I needed some fresh air."

He just stared at me. "Dick has been captured many times while being out in the city. I'm not risking sending you. Your currently a target by the media, and being caught could end badly. Stay in the manor."

I then decided to climb into my window, as I had planned on doing when I got back. I jumped onto the decoration on the wall and slid inside.

I then fell onto my bed. Why me. I'm stuck with an overprotective uncle now. I just lay there, bored. Dick is out having fun, why can't I have any.

Maybe I could return to camp? Then I would have to sneak away forever. The Butler didn't have a heart attack the last time I snuck away.

I then packed all my essentials. Some clothes, ambrosia and nectar, and the pictures.

"Why are you packing?" Asked the Butler.

"Redecorating." I replied. "What's up?"

"I have your refitted uniform, can you try it on." The Butler Asked.

It was still tight but it was bearable. I look in the mirror and wow. I never look in the mirror but this suit becomes tighter around my abs. That's why all the girls stare at me. It's showing off my body.

I walk out and tell Alfred that it needs to be loser. "Girls keep bothering me, can it be much looser. That way they stop staring at me."

"Alright Master Percy, why don't we visit the fitter ourselves. We can also get the blue food colouring." He said.

Why not. "Sure"

"I'll bring the limo to the front of the front of the house." He said as he took the uniform.

I looked in the mirror. I really am questioning the fates right now. I then leave my room and head out.

The ride to the city was even more depressing because it was the evening. Everything looked even more screwed up. Police sirens were more common. How is this city so screwed up. Looking out the window, I feel nothing but. Darkness. People are on the streets in this messed up city.

We reach the fitter, and apparently, the fitter thinks he knows best. It's so annoying. It took so long as I had to debate with the fitter that it's not right. Alfred just stood there as he also supported my choice.

"No, if its too lose it looks unprofessional. You need a tight shirt to help keep a professional look." The tailor said.

"But the collar is choking me and I can barely breathe in this shirt." I replied.

"Perceus, this-" I froze.

I stared the tailor in the eye. "Its Percy." I said.

The tailor then paled. "Oh I'm sorry Percy, in order to keep a good public image, you need a good shirt."

"Why are you so obsessed with making me wear a tight shirt." I asked.

Then Alfred snapped at me. "Master Percy respect the man."

"Sorry Alfred." I quickly said.

"No, no its fine. The boys right there is more than looks to the shirt." He said. I glared at the tailor. There has to be mist. But Gotham does not have monsters.

"What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously.

"The fabric, is one I have newly purchased. It has high value on the market. Lets try the one your uncle wears." The tailor said then he disapeared into the back room.

"Alfred I have a bad feeling about the tailor, can we leave?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Alfred said.

I then decided to get anwers of my own. "Stay there" I said as I walked into the back room.

I then go into the room to find him missing. Where is this guy? Suddenly I heard a crash from a closet.

"Master Percy, stand behind me." I hear Alfred call. He has a gun. Where did my uncle get this butler from?

"Alfred, don't shoot, I'll take care of it." I said. And then I pulled out riptide in pen forma nd began to turn the knob.

"Master Perseus, stand back." Alfred called. Alfred then started to come near.

I then had to act or else Alfred would get hurt. I then opened the door and found a guy with a gag and hands tied.

I immediately removed the gag, and asked if the man was okay. After that I looked around.

There was a bunch of burn marks on the corner of the room. I remembered how Kelli burst and the marks replicated that.

I then put my pen away and helped the man.

"I'll go get water." I said as I walked outside.

Alfred eyed be but I kept going. I walked out and circled the block. Gone. I then come back to the entry finding Alfred inside.

"Let's go back home, we'll fix this ourselves." He said.

I followed him inside the car as I saw ambulances pull up. Hopefully the man will be okay.

When we got back to the manor, I thought over what happened as Alfred took my measurements.

What had happened in the shop? It was related to me, though how. Didn't Chiron say there's no monsters here.

If it was a monster, it would've attacked on the spot. No there has to be more to it.

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