Chapter 21

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Maybe I could sneak into the scene. The place was thrashed when we found the man. There has to be something.

After Alfred took my measurements, he then began to make a new set of clothes.

I told him I'll be in my room, and then I left a row of pillows under my blanket and made my way into the city.

I walked down the streets keeping the hood up. My black hoodie always helps when it comes to coming to the city.

I then returned to the shop. There were police cars around it. Di immortals. I guess I'll go explore, the dust probably was blown away or covered by the mist by now anyways. I hope so anyways.

I ran around the rooftops, getting better at jumping across them. I kept going until I found a crime. Not big anyways but something. Some freak. Wait it's that Joker guy that was on the news. They mentioned he was one of Gotham's worst criminals.

Finally something to beat up. Action. Inside a alleyway he was talking to some girl. Another clown, and a girl that was wearing a green dress. Though why would they talk to him in public?

I wasn't close enough to hear them so I got a bit closer. I carefully made each step, making sure not to make a single sound.

Though the fates are never on my side. The ground made a slight cracking sound, and I immediately jumped back.

I think they noticed me as I jumped, and I ducked behind a wall. Suddenly some pot near me burst and vines came at me.

I quickly pulled down my hood and pulled out riptide. I needed to make a escape. I can't risk my identity. The vines began surrounding all the ways out.

I ran towards the vines, and they all came at me. I slashed through them, and ducked, but like I said the fates don't like me. One of the vines tripped me.

The vines attacked me even more. Riptide flew down onto another empty alleyway, and I was left unarmed. Just great.

I then hear the clown laughing. Styx.

"Did mommy ever tell you it's rude to eves-drop boy." The clown said in some weird manner.

I kept waiting for riptide to show up, so far nothing.

I stood there, wrapped in thick vines, just wondering when riptide would return.

That got boring fast so I replied to the clown. He's a clown how bad can he really be?

"Yeah, but I care." I replied. "After all why should I take someone who looks like a joke seriously?"

Am I really begging to get killed? Then the clown guy frowned and put on another smile. "You want to know how I keep smiling?"

His eyes said it all. Styx. "Don't tell me, you finally got candy?" I replied. He just kept staring. "Bye Candy? Man your lucky." I said.

He then pulled out a knife. Shit. Umm. "I cut a smile into my mouth so I'm never frowning."

Didn't this guy frown like two secounds ago? "Shit man, what'd your dentist say?" I asked. I did mean it though, what did they say?

I felt the vines rise higher. And there we go riptide. Finally. Styx. My arms are a bit tight though.

"Don't try boy, your the perfect bait for batsy." The clown said smirking.

I then felt so helpless. What should I do? I did feel the moisture from the air. I could make water.

I looked at the clown and then his face got brighter. "BATSY LOOK WHAT WE FOUND, YOUR BUDDY BRUCES NEW KID."

What the.

"HES WRAPPED AND EVERYTHING." He yelled even more.

That vine lady disappeared and then I realized I have a chance.

I pulled but then felt the vines get tighter. What? She has to be somewhere.

Suddenly something was thrown at the bottom of the vines and it blew, setting me free.

Then the bat appeared. Oh no. I had a bad feeling. I turn to run but then some kid in colourful clothing comes in front of me.

I easily dodge him and then I run into the crowded streets. Hopefully.

I kept my head low as I kept my hood up. Then I heard a familiar voice.

"Master Percy" Alfred.

I immediately jumped into the car and he drove away. "Master Bruce was told by the Batman that you were captured by the joker and poison Ivy. Are you okay?" Alfred Asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. It was only a minute." I replied.

"What were you doing out?" Asked Alfred.

Ummm. "I wanted some blue candy" I replied.

He raised an eyebrow. Umm. I was proud of that lie. I thought it was good.

Luckily he didn't question it further. We rode back in silence.

Well that was weird. Wait how did he know where to find me? And he was there quick.

These are all the chapters I've written, and now I'm done with this book. I'll possibly continue if inspiration sparks however that is highly unlikely and I don't want to put more work that I'm not proud of up.

Thanks everyone who has read my book, it means a lot to me ❤️

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