Chapter 6

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I figured I should keep my mouth shut from now on. I then sat in the seat silently and tapped my fingers on my lap.

"Is there anything we should know about you?" Bruce asked.

"I'm dyslexic and ADHD" I replied. I opened my mouth again but then shut it quickly. "Yeah that's it".

I don't think it'd be a good idea to tell him about my records yet. If he already didn't know.

"So what do you like?" He asked. I really wasn't in the mood.

"Horse Riding" I Said, and turned to the window. After that my uncle stopped asking me questions.

I rested my head against the window and felt each time the car hit a bump. I didn't mind though.

I started to come up with theories on how she was killed as we went onto a highway.

Possibly a monster, maybe my scent was in the apartment. That could've lead it to mom. But I was gone all summer. And this looked recent.

Kronos has just returned. An image of Luke came into my mind. I remember Annabeth in tears after we saw that.

Though how was Kronos able to posses Luke? A demigod shouldn't be able to host a titan. So how did Luke's body manage it?

I lifted my head up after a while and looked outside. The scene was horrible.

It was the opposite of New York. In New York things were bright and shiny, but here things were gloomy.

"Welcome to Gotham City" Said my uncle. Don't tell me he lives here.

Then we excited the city. I was kinda relieved he didn't live in there. Then a little bit later we arrived at a house.

Sometimes on the way to Montauk with my mom, I saw some cool houses. They were nothing compared to this house.

Holy Poseidon. I was lost for words. Why my uncle questioned the backpack now made sense to me.

I watched is awe as we came closer to the house. I didn't even realize the car stopped. No way I'm living here.

I slowly stepped out from the car, just staring in awe. Prehaps I can live here.

I quickly removed that thought and grabbed my bag. I ran up the stairs to my uncle. He opened the doors to a huge foyer. Compared to the apartment this was nothing.

I walked in and stared at paintings that were bigger than me. There were artifacts along the sides of the hallway. I walked up to a pot and saw my reflection on it. Wow.

"Come on, lets go meet Dick" Bruce said as he went ahead. I looked behind at Alfred to see him gesturing to follow Bruce.

I slowly followed my uncle, slowly starting to feel overwhelmed with everything. He leads me to an living room. I think this was the closest room to normal.

There was a black haired boy sitting on the couch with papers in front of him and the television on.

"Dick come here" Bruce called. Suddenly I got really nervous. I never really had many relatives and to find out I have an uncle suddenly seems a bit much. And lets not add that I also have a cousin.

The black hair boy jumped over the back of the couch and ran over to me. He raised his hand. "Hi I'm Dick"

I accepted his hand and shook it. "Percy"

"Now I've got some stuff to take care of, though I'll be back by this evening. Dick, your in charge of showing Percy around." Bruce said before ruffling my hair and walking out.

Dick nodded and invited me to the couch. I sat down and stared at the big Television. Mom could never afford big stuff like this, but I didn't really mind. Though seeing all this high class stuff will take some getting use to.

"So what movie do you like?" He asked.

"I don't have a preference." I replied. He looked at me with curiosity in his eyes before he put on some cartoon.

"So what do you like to do?" He asked as he picked up some of the papers on the table.

"Horse Back Riding" I said proudly.

"Cool, though I doubt we have horses. Anything else?" He asked.

"I enjoy swimming" I replied. I wasn't sure what to say to some rich kid, so I couldn't really start an conversation.

"Theres a pool, we can go there." Dick said as he sung his backpack over his shoulder. "Do you have shorts?"

"No my shorts are probably at the apartment" I replied.

"You can borrow mines, and you can ask Alfred to have all your stuff moved." Dick said. "Follow me"

He lead the way. I didn't argue, I really liked the idea of swimming. Being in water was the one place I could think.

I stared in awe as we walked through the halls. This place seemed like a maze. Not as and as the laberiyth though.

We entered a bedroom and Dick pulled out some shorts and tossed me a pair. "You can change in the bathroom I'll change in the closet" He said. I was busy staring at the room. It was huge.

"Percy?" He called. "Percy?"

"Yeah, sorry, Yeah I'll go into the bathroom" I said as I went into the bathroom.

The bathroom was the size of my room in the apartment. I took off my shirt and saw some old scars littered across my body. There was a decent amount.

Should I go? By demigod standards there wasn't that many. But to a mortal there were quite a few. I put on the shorts and stared at my legs. Luckily the shorts covered all those scars.

Should I just go swimming in my regular clothes? Can I swim with my shirt? It is an sports shirt. I figured why not, and I put my shirt back on.

I then stepped out of the bathroom and also saw Dick wearing a shirt. Okay I guess I'm not alone then.

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