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Regina was currently trying to teach her daughter magic, she assumed because she was Emma's that she would also have some magic inside of her.

"You have to dig down deep. Find the thing that angers you most to fuel the fire inside of you...To light that candle."

Alice concentrated hard, she focused all of her energy on the candle in front of her but nothing happend. She sighed and kicked the chair next to her.

"Maybe I don't have powers. There's no magic inside of me."

"Hey, calm down. It's not the end of the world if you don't. In my honest opinion, it's better to not have magic...That way people can't use you and force you to use your powers for their selfish reasons."

Alice had blocked her Mother out as she got lost in thought, she could tell Regina was confused as to why she didn't have any powers. It was only solidifying her thoughts. She wasn't supposed to be here. She was supposed to be somewhere else.

"Alice, are you even listening to me?"

"Hmm? Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said, your Mother and your Father want to see you in Granny's."

"Oh, okay." Alice walked to her other Mother and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Bye, love you."

"Love you too, Dear. And if you see Henry, please tell him that I need to speak with him. It's an important matter."

"What's he done now?"

"Let's just say, you could be an aunt one day soon."

"Lovely! Bye Mum."

Regina smiled as she watched her daughter leave. She was such a Daddy's girl. She spent so much time with him as a child, she got his accent.

Alice walked to Granny's slowly, just taking in the scenery, how did she end up here? Snow White and Prince Charming, her grandparents. Captain Hook her Dad. The Evil Queen, her Mother.

She was born into this world so it shouldn't bother her but it does. Deep inside she had a gut feeling that this wasn't her home.

It wasn't long before she reached the little diner. She saw her parents sat in a booth and so she joined them.

"Hello love." Her Father smiled as she sat next to him. He wrapped his arm around her and gave her a kiss on the forhead.


"Are you okay? You seem different." Emma said concerned.

"I'm fine. Just hungry."

"Well, I ordered for you. Your Mother, said you'd want hot dog with chilly fries but I said no, her favourite is a burger without pickles, with curly fries with the ketchup on the side."

"But I know for a fact your favourite drink is the same as mine." Emma smirked. "But I know you like to have a soda when you're eating so I ordered you a Coke."

"Thanks guys."

"Cheer up love." Killian said hugging his daughter. "What's wrong?"


"Don't lie to us Al."

"It's jus-"

"Well this is a mighty fine place I must say." An unfamilar voice said catching everyones attention.

"Keep it down, Doc. You're drawing attention to us."

Killian and Emma stood up quickly. Alice did too. Her parents were kinda the protectors of the town.

"Who the bloody hell are you and how did you find this town?" Killian snarled.

"Hi, I'm Waverly. This is my sister Wynonna, my wife Nicole and our friends. Doc, Dolls and Jeremy."

Wynonna took one look at Alice and her eyes filled with tears.

"What are you doing here?" Emma asked.

"We're looking for our daughter. Most importantly, we're looking for a man that knows the name, Bulshar because he's the reason we're looking for our daughter."

"Oh, oh dear. He has a hook for a hand." Waverly said as she noticed Killian's hook.

"I do. The name's Killian Jones but most people know me by my more colourful moniker. Hook or Captain Hook."

"You're shitting me. Captain Hook? From like Peter Pan?"


"Killian." Emma hissed.

"What? They have to have magic too in order to see this place."

"But we don't know who exactly they are."

"I'm Wynonna Earp. A demon hunter. I'm looking for my daughter. She was taken from my Great Aunt Gus's house, eighteen years ago through a portal."

"You better speak to Rumplestiltskin. He owns the pawn shop down the street. He's known as Mr Gold these days."

"What do I owe the pleasure?"

Everyone turned to face the man they were just talking about. Doc didn't hesitate to punch Gold, sending him to the floor.

"That's for working with Bulshar and taking my daughter."

An evil smirk crossed Gold's face as he stood up straight.

"If you want your daughter so much, then go and get her."

"Where is she then?"

"She's right over there."

Everyone turned to where he pointed to and they were shocked, for her was pointing to Alice. Killian Jones and Emma Swan's daughter.

"Alice." Wynonna smiled.

"I knew it." Alice said with a sigh as she sat back down. "I fucking knew it."

Alice - Once Upon A Time X Wynonna EarpWhere stories live. Discover now